[RAILS] [Ruby] Maybe you don't really understand? [Difference between class and module]

Hello Ichihara.


"I often use it in apps made with Rails ** I want to put my own methods in a separate file and use them where necessary **, but I don't know how to do it ..."

There was such a thing. I didn't understand ** class and module **, which seemed to be surprisingly known, so I summarized them in an article.

class and module

Roughly summarized, it looks like this.

Feature how to use Inheritance instance Superiority
class A collection of data and methods Read the file with require, then inherit and use it as an instance method Since multiple classes are grouped together using inheritance, it can be used like a framework.
module A collection of only methods and values Read the file with reequire and then include,Used in extend Collect data and use it where necessary, use it as a part


class affects a wider range of objects through inheritance and instantiation.


class Formula
  def pythagorean_theorem(a, b)
    p "c = #{Math::sqrt(a**2+ b**2)}"

  def self.quadratic_formula(a, b, c)
    x1 = (- b +Math::sqrt(b*b -4*a*c))/ 2 * a
    x2 = (- b -Math::sqrt(b*b -4*a*c))/ 2 * a
    p "x is #{x1} and #{x2}"


#First read the file using require
require "calc/formulas"

#Inherit classes and inherit methods and data
class Hoge < Formula

  attr_accessor :name

  def initialize(name, age)
    @name = name
    @age = age


hoge = Hoge.new("hogehoge",22)
hoge.pythagorean_theorem(3, 4)


"c = 5.0"

In the case of a class, first read the file using ** require **, let the class you want to use ** inherit **, and then ** create an instance **.

Therefore, it is suitable for ** inheriting a lot of data such as building MVC models and frameworks and linking each other **, but if you want to use it when you want to use data collectively, it will be described later. It can be said that ** module ** is more suitable.


Modules also have the role of grouping the same values and methods as class, but ** cannot create and inherit instances **.

Therefore, modules are easier to use than classes in terms of simply collecting information and calling it where it is needed.

There are two types ** to call module in class, ** include and extend **.

include and extend

In a nutshell, include embeds module as ** instance method **, and extend embeds module as ** class method **.

In the following, ** math formulas are summarized as a module and called as an instance method. ** **


module Formula

 #Three square theorem
  def pythagorean_theorem(a, b)
    p "c = #{Math::sqrt(a**2+ b**2)}"

  #Solution formula
  def quadratic_formula(a, b, c)
    x1 = (- b +Math::sqrt(b*b -4*a*c))/ 2 * a
    x2 = (- b -Math::sqrt(b*b -4*a*c))/ 2 * a
    p "x is #{x1} and #{x2}"



require "calc/formulas"

class Hoge

  attr_accessor :name
  #Use include in class
  include Formula

  def initialize(name, age)
    @name = name
    @age = age


hoge = Hoge.new("hogehoge",22)
hoge.pythagorean_theorem(3, 4)


"c = 5.0"

In this way, the instance generated from the Hoge class can use pythagorean_theorem, which is the Pythagorean theorem, as a ** instance method **.

Then, when I read it in the same way with extend ...


require "calc/formulas"

class Hoge
  attr_accessor :name

  extend Formula

  def initialize(name, age)
    @name = name
    @age = age

  def hello
    p "Hello! I'm #{@name} "
    p "I'm #{@age} old"


hoge = Hoge.new("hogehoge",22)
hoge.pythagorean_theorem(3, 4)


calculate.rb:26:in `<main>': undefined method `pythagorean_theorem' for #<Hoge:0x000000000504a3a8 @name="hogehoge", @age=22> (NoMethodError)

And you can see that the generated instance cannot use the method of module.


Hoge.pythagorean_theorem(3, 4)


"c = 5.0"

You can use it by calling it as a ** class method **.

By the way, since the module is expanded in the class, you can use the instance method and class method in the class that inherits it **, respectively.

The following inherited the class using include.


class Fuga < Hoge


fuga = Fuga.new("fugafuga",20)
fuga.quadratic_formula(1, 3, 2)

"x is -1.0 and -2.0"

module method

If you want to use only ** methods directly without incorporating them into the class, you can use ** module method **.


module Formula

  def pythagorean_theorem(a, b)
    p "c = #{Math::sqrt(a**2+ b**2)}"

  def quadratic_formula(a, b, c)
    x1 = (- b +Math::sqrt(b*b -4*a*c))/ 2 * a
    x2 = (- b -Math::sqrt(b*b -4*a*c))/ 2 * a
    p "x is #{x1} and #{x2}"
 # module_function +Define module method by method name
  module_function :quadratic_formula



#Can be called in the same way as a class method
Formula.quadratic_formula(1, 8, 12)


"x is -2.0 and -6.0"

As you can see, module is not necessary until ** class is created, but it can be used if you want to add a little function **.


It is preferable to use module if you just want to organize the data, and class if you want to embed the data in a part of the app using inheritance.

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