[RUBY] [Rails] Difference between create method and new + save method


・ Rails ・ Mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.47 ・ Osx10.15


Learning Contoller with Rails will learn ʻActive Record methods such as new, save, create, destroy. At that time, I learned that the create method is new+save`.

As a beginner, I misunderstood that "then create is simpler and easier to read, so I use Kochi! ", And when I created my own app, sometimes it didn't work well with create. I will write what I learned at that time.

Why divide into new + save?

In short, when to use new + save without using create method in create action? For example, the description in the controller

def create
  @message = Message.create(message_params)


def create
  @message = Messages.new(message_params)


① When writing a conditional statement using if etc.

def create
    @message = Messages.new(message_params)
    if @message.save
      redirect_to(Applicable path)
      flash.now[:alert] = 'Please enter your message.'
      render :index

If you use create when using the conditional statement as described above, the conditional statement does not work well and the operation does not work well when the creation fails after ʻelse`.

Also, there is a point that it is easier to see if there are many descriptions.

② When using render

If you describe new, you can use the instance method created at that time with render. Although it is not in the above example, it is better to describe new even if you want to inherit the: id and use it.


I was wondering how they would be different if they were said to have the same meaning, and I made some mistakes, so I wrote them here.

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