How to POST to a specified channel without using Slack's Incoming WebHooks

How to POST to a specified channel without using Slack's Incoming WebHooks

It's for people who are using Slack for free and have reached the integration limit and have become sick. You want to try various integrations even in the free frame! ?? It's a waste to use a valuable integration frame for Incoming WebHooks! It is a poor spirit w インテグレーションいっぱい.PNG

table of contents

  1. Preparation
  2. Try POST with Python


Go to the following page to get the token for each individual. It will be the item of ʻAuthentication` at the bottom of the above page. 認証前.PNG

Click Create token in the image to generate a token for each user. Make a note of it as you will use it later.


Create a Channel with the sample.

Create a channel from Slack of the team that issued the token. This time, suppose you created a Channel called sample. You can also POST to an existing channel, so you don't have to create a new one.

You're ready to go!

Try POST with Python

The following page has a list of API methods. This time, we will use the chat.postMessage method in this list.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import requests

#proxy settings, if any
  "http": "http://hogehoge:port/",
  "https": "https://fugafuga:port/",

class SlackWrapper:
    __token = 'your_slack_token' #Write the token you got earlier here
    __channel = '#sample' #Channel name you want to POST
    __postSlackUrl = '' #This is fixed
    __icon_url = 'icon URL' #Specify the URL of the icon to post to Slack.
    __username = 'sample' #Username to post to Slack
    def __init__(self):

    def post(self, posttext):
        params = {'token': self.__token, 
                  'channel': self.__channel , 
                  'icon_url': self.__icon_url,
                  'unfurl_links': 'false'
        #POST to Slack
        r =, params=params, proxies=PROXIES)  
        #When there is no proxy
        # r =, params=params)  

if __name__ == '__main__':
    slack = SlackWrapper()'Hello! Slack!')

Now you can POST to the specified channel without using Incoming WebHooks! You did it!

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