I wanted to add the same function to Windows (although it is online) because I often use the function of creating PDF on Mac to collect image data scanned by a scanner and sometimes use Mac to use that function.
You can find the code on GitHub. You need to write the location (absolute path) where you put the python file in .bat.
Create PDF.bat
@echo off
if not "%~0"=="%~dp0.\%~nx0" (
start /min cmd /c,"%~dp0.\%~nx0" %*
python G:\Python\PDF_creation_tool\create_pdf.py(Here is create_pdf.Absolute path of py) %*
Enter shell: sendto with Windows key + R and put the .bat file in the file that comes out
Select two image files and right click-> Send-> Create PDF.bat
"I.pdf" was created.
Figure opened in Chrome
Create PDF in the right-click menu I'm curious that it has a .bat extension, so I tried creating shortcuts and symbolic links, but I couldn't. ..
Progress point 90
http://dalmore.blog7.fc2.com/blog-entry-191.html https://uguisu.skr.jp/Windows/bat_nowindow.html
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