Lambda expression (correction) that creates an index (dictionary with members as keys) of the members of the object being collected in python

Lambda expression that creates an index (dictionary with members as keys) of the members of the object in the collection with python

import functools as f
makeindexes = lambda objects:{attr:{str(getattr(x,attr)):x for x in objects if attr in dir(x)} for attr in f.reduce(set.union,(set(y.__dict__.keys()) for y in objects if hasattr(y,"__dict__")),set())}

class A:
	def __init__(self,name): = name = id(self)

objs = [A(x) for x in ["tama","poti","mii"]]

indexes = makeindexes(objs)

#dict_keys(['id', 'name'])


If the value is not unique as it is, it cannot be indexed, so I decided to wrap it in a list.

mMakeindexes = lambda objects:{outer:f.reduce(lambda d,o:d[getattr(o,outer)].append(o) or d,objects,{getattr(obj,outer):[] for obj in objects if outer in dir(obj)}) for outer in f.reduce(set.union,(set(y.__dict__.keys()) for y in objects if hasattr(y,"__dict__")),set())}

objs = [A("poti") for x in range(5)]

indexes = mMakeindexes(objs)

#[<__main__.A object at 0x7f0b4f2d7710>, <__main__.A object at 0x7f0b4f2d7790>] [<__main__.A object at 0x7f0b4f2d77d0>, <__main__.A object at 0x7f0b4f2d7850>]

Hmmm, can't you write more beautifully?

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