[Python] Summary of functions that return the index that takes the closest value in the array

I will write it because it is unexpectedly packed and there is no good summary.

1 When not considering the duplication of the closest value

1.1 Simplest version

When there is one value you want to find and one index you want to return. This is the easiest. The data to be searched is assumed to be a one-dimensional array.

import numpy as np

def idx_of_the_nearest(data, value):
    idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(data) - value))
    return idx

1.2 Specific example

data = [1, 1 ,1 ,0.5 ,2 ,3 ,-1]
value =  0.8
n = idx_of_the_nearest(data, value)

1.3 When there are multiple values ​​you want to find

I want to be able to specify the value I want to find in a list. The function for that is as follows.

import numpy as np

def idx_of_the_nearest(data, value):
    print('value:', type(value))
    if type(value) == float:
        idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(data) - value))
        #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value))
        return idx
    if type(value) == list:
        idx = [None]*len(value)
        for i in range(len(value)):
            idx[i] = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i]))
            #idx[i] = [value[i], np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i]))] #May be
            #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i]))
        return idx

1.4 Specific example

data = [1, 1 ,1 ,0.5 ,2 ,3 ,-1]
value =  [0.8,0.7]
n = idx_of_the_nearest(data, value)
value: <class 'list'>
[0, 3]

1.5 Multidimensional extension

Click here if you want to return the index of the multidimensional array when the data to be searched is a multidimensional array. The output is a list of tuples. Use something called np.unravel_index ().

import numpy as np

def idx_of_the_nearest(data, value):
    print('value:', type(value))
    if type(value) == float:
        idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(data) - value))
        #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value))
        return idx
    if type(value) == list:
        idx = [None]*len(value)
        for i in range(len(value)):
            idx[i] = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i])) , np.array(data).shape)
            #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i]))
        return idx

1.6 Specific example

data = [[1, 1 ,1 ,0.5] ,[2 ,3 ,-1,0]]
value = [0.8, 0.7, 2]
idx_of_the_nearest(data, value)
value: <class 'list'>
[(0, 0), (0, 3), (1, 0)]

2 When there are multiple closest values

But don't say what "plural" means. That is still the case in mathematics (I have intentionally made such concrete examples).

2.1 Simple version

Click here if you want to return multiple subscripts in the simplest way. When there is only one value you want to find in a one-dimensional array.

import numpy as np

def indices_of_the_nearest(data, value):
    distance = np.abs(np.array(data) - value)
    indices = np.where(distance == np.min(distance))[0]
    return indices

This np.where () is a musician, and it is unexpectedly difficult to use.

However, in the simple version, this is the optimal solution, as you can see in the concrete example. By adding [0], array is returned.

2.2 Specific example

data = [1, 1 ,1 ,0.5 ,2 ,3 ,-1]
value = 0.8
indices_of_the_nearest(data, value)
array([0, 1, 2])

2.3 When there are multiple values ​​to be searched for (can be used in multiple dimensions, but there is room for improvement)

Click here for "greedy" people who want to search for multiple values. However, there is room for improvement.

import numpy as np

def indices_of_the_nearest(data, value):
    print('value:', type(value))
    if type(value) == float:
        distance = np.abs(np.array(data) - value)
        indices = np.where(distance == np.min(distance))
        #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value))
        return indices
    if type(value) == list:
        indices = [None]*len(value)
        for i in range(len(value)):
            distance = np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i])
            indices[i] = np.where(distance == np.min(distance))
            #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i]))
        return indices

I just applied section 1.3.

2.4 Specific example

data = [[1, 1 ,1 ,0.5] ,[2 ,3 ,-1,0]]
value = [0.8,0.7]
indices_of_the_nearest(data, value)
value: <class 'list'>
[(array([0, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 2])), (array([0]), array([3]))]

The row number and column number are output separately and are difficult to understand (the meaning of the first element is the closest value to [0] [0], [0] [1], and [0] [2]. Meaning).

If you really want to use it, you can use it, but it doesn't make much sense for this purpose. There was no problem when the data was one-dimensional, but it became more difficult to see when it became three-dimensional.

data = [[[1, 1] ,[1 ,0.5]] ,[[2 ,3] ,[-1,0]]]
value = [0.8,0.7]
indices_of_the_nearest(data, value)
value: <class 'list'>
[(array([0, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1]), array([0, 1, 0])),
 (array([0]), array([1]), array([1]))]

The first tuple in the list has the closest value to [0] [0] [0], [0] [0] [1], [0] [1] [0] meaning.

This is not reading the inside of array as it is, but the i (i = 0, 1, 2, 3) th and array ([0, 0, 1]) of array ([0, 0, 0]) . ]) I read by connecting the i-th of and the i-th ofarray ([0, 1, 0])(the meaning can be understood by looking at the second tuple in the list together).

Hard to see!

2.5 Expanded to multiple dimensions (improved version)

So let's improve it.

import numpy as np

def indices_of_the_nearest(data, value):
    print('value:', type(value))
    if type(value) == float:
        distance = np.abs(np.array(data) - value)
        indices = np.where(distance == np.min(distance))
        #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value))
        return indices
    if type(value) == list:
        indices = [None]*len(value)
        for i in range(len(value)):
            distance = np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i])
            indices[i] = np.array((np.where(distance == np.min(distance)))).T #Transpose
            #print(np.abs(np.array(data) - value[i]))
        return indices

What I'm doing is indices[i] = np.array((np.where(distance == np.min(distance)))).T I just rewrote it.

2.6 Specific example

data = [[1, 1 ,1 ,0.5] ,[2 ,3 ,-1,0]]
value = [0.8,0.7]
indices_of_the_nearest(data, value)
value: <class 'list'>
[array([[0, 0],
        [0, 1],
        [0, 2]]),
 array([[0, 3]])]
data = [[[1, 1] ,[1 ,0.5]] ,[[2 ,3] ,[-1,0]]]
value = [0.8,0.7]
indices_of_the_nearest(data, value)
value: <class 'list'>
[array([[0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 1],
        [0, 1, 0]]),
 array([[0, 1, 1]])]

Easy to see! (If you want to extract an element from the output, you can do it by turning the for statement in the comprehension notation)

3 Summary

Taking out the subscript was unexpectedly difficult, but I hope it helps someone someday.

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