[JAVA] Defeating Android Studio Part 3-6


The know-how for using Android Studio (hereinafter AS) provided by Google is added as a memorandum. This time, let's take a look at the AS settings.


Part 3: What kind of items are there in the settings?

Select File → Settings,


Click ▶ to pull down the lower menu.


Setting list (2018/08/21 Android Studio Vesion 3.1.4)

plantUML (Please copy and use)

	+++System setting
	++++HTTP proxy
	++++Usage statistics
	++++Android SDK
	+++File color
	+++Quick list
	+++Path variable
	++++Automatic import
	++++Editor tab
	++++Garter icon
	++++Cord folding
	++++Code completion
	++++Smart key
	++++Breadcrumb trail
	+++Color scheme switching
	++++Language default
	++++Color scheme font
	++++Console font
	++++Diff & Merge
	++++Console color
	++++Android Logcat
	++++Regular expressions
	++++Scope base
	+++Code style
	++++Other file types
	+++Files and code templates
	+++File encoding
	+++Live template
	+++File type
	+++Layout editor
	++++Copyright profile
	+++Data binding
	+++Language injection
	++version control
	+++Changelist conflict
	+++Commit dialog
	+++Ignored files
	+++Problem navigation
	+++File state color
	++Build, run, deploy
	++++Android Studio
	++++Data view
	+++++Java type renderer
	++++Hot swap
	++++Asynchronous stack trace
	+++Remote jar repository
	+++Espresso test recorder
	+++Instant run
	+++Required plugin
	++Languages & frameworks
	+++Schema and DTD
	++++Default XML schema
	++++XML catalog
	++++JSON schema
	+++Kotlin Updates
	+++Template data language
	+++Web browser
	+++External tools
	+++Server certificate
	+++Diff & Merge
	++++External diff tool
	+++Configuration repository
	+++Start task
	++kotlin compiler


Setting list tree

AndroidStudioSetting.png There are many setting items. For the time being, let's narrow down to the minimum setting items necessary to create a program!

Part 4: Display the line number in the editor

Select Project Window → feature → Java → com.google.android.instanapps.samples.hello.feature → HelloActivity

AS-020.jpg I displayed the Java source in the editor. The line number is not yet displayed in the editor.

File-> Settings-> Editor-> General-> Appearance-> Check line number display-> OK button


The line number is displayed in the editor.


Part 5: Where are the settings?

The setting directory of Android Studio is as follows.

C:\Users\User name\.AndroidStudio3.1\config

If you want to tinker with the settings, we recommend backing up this config folder. If you want to restore it, you can overwrite it completely.

Part 6: Where is the definition of the settings directory?

The following files in the bin of the installation directory.

C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\bin\idea.properties

Describes the default value. It is designed so that you can specify a directory by removing # from the line commented with #. AS-023.jpg

Continue to the next section ...

That's all, Osomatsu

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