[JAVA] Android Studio JRE cannot be changed

I took a lot of time to update the JRE of Android Studio, so make a note The JDK of Android Studio was 1.8, but for some reason the JRE was only 1.6. When I looked it up, there wasn't much that was written in particular detail (maybe it was too obvious and I didn't even have to write it).

environment macOS Sierra 10.12.6 AndroidStudio 2.1.2

First of all, the old version of the SDK was bad.

Click here for details ↓ ** Notes on switching between JDK 7 and JDK 8 on Windows ** http://daregada.blogspot.jp/2015/03/windowsjdk-7jdk-8.html (I was able to solve it by reading only the article about Windows)

Apparently, even if you put the latest JDK in the JDK location of Android Studio, the JRE will not change unless you delete the old JDK.

How to remove the JDK from the Mac Finder  /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines Just access to and delete the version of the JDK you were using in the file

After that, when I restarted Android Studio, I was able to confirm that the JRE was 1.8.

I'm sorry if it's hard to read because it's my first time posting to Qiita

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