Deep Learning Java from scratch 6.2 Initial values of weights

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6.2.2 Hidden layer activation distribution

A little different from this book, I tried to create a graph while changing the standard deviation of the initial value in 4 ways.

// ch06/weight_init_activtion_histogram.Java version of py.
INDArray x = Nd4j.randn(new int[] {1000, 100}); //1000 data
int node_num = 100; //Number of nodes (neurons) in each hidden layer
int hidden_layer_size = 5; //5 hidden layers
Map<Integer, INDArray> activations = new HashMap<>(); //Store the activation result here
Map<String, Supplier<INDArray>> ws = new LinkedHashMap<>();
//Let's experiment by changing the initial value!
ws.put("1.0", () -> Nd4j.randn(new int[] {node_num, node_num}).mul(1));
ws.put("0.01", () -> Nd4j.randn(new int[] {node_num, node_num}).mul(0.01));
ws.put("sqrt(1 div n)", () -> Nd4j.randn(new int[] {node_num, node_num}).mul(Math.sqrt(1.0 / node_num)));
ws.put("sqrt(2 div n)", () -> Nd4j.randn(new int[] {node_num, node_num}).mul(Math.sqrt(2.0 / node_num)));
for (String key : ws.keySet()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < hidden_layer_size; ++i) {
        if (i != 0)
            x = activations.get(i - 1);
        INDArray w = ws.get(key).get();
        INDArray a = x.mmul(w);
        //Let's experiment by changing the type of activation function!
        INDArray z = Functions.sigmoid(a);
        // INDArray z = Functions.relu(a);
        // INDArray z = Functions.tanh(a);
        activations.put(i, z);
    //Draw histogram
    for (Entry<Integer, INDArray> e : activations.entrySet()) {
        HistogramImage h = new HistogramImage(320, 240, -0.1, -1000, 1, 40000, 50, e.getValue());
        h.writeTo(new File(Constants.WeightImages, key + "-" + (e.getKey() + 1) + "-layer.png "));

The result of executing with the activation function sigmoid with different standard deviations is as follows.

Standard deviation = 0.01

1-layer 2-layer 3-layer 4-layer 5-layer
0.01-1-layer.png 0.01-2-layer.png 0.01-3-layer.png 0.01-4-layer.png 0.01-5-layer.png

Standard deviation = 1.0

1-layer 2-layer 3-layer 4-layer 5-layer
1.0-1-layer.png 1.0-2-layer.png 1.0-3-layer.png 1.0-4-layer.png 1.0-5-layer.png

Standard deviation = $ \ sqrt {\ frac {1} {n}} $

1-layer 2-layer 3-layer 4-layer 5-layer
sqrt(1 div n)-1-layer.png sqrt(1divn)-2-layer.png sqrt(1divn)-3-layer.png sqrt(1divn)-4-layer.png sqrt(1divn)-5-layer.png

6.2.4 Comparison of initial weight values by MNIST dataset

// ch06/weight_init_compare.Java version of py.
MNISTImages train = new MNISTImages(Constants.TrainImages, Constants.TrainLabels);
INDArray x_train = train.normalizedImages();
INDArray t_train = train.oneHotLabels();
DataSet dataset = new DataSet(x_train, t_train);
int train_size = x_train.size(0);
int batch_size = 128;
int max_iteration = 2000;

// 1:Experiment settings
Map<String, String> weight_init_types = new HashMap<>();
weight_init_types.put("std", "0.01");
weight_init_types.put("Xavier", "sigmoid");
weight_init_types.put("He", "relu");
Optimizer optimizer = new SGD(0.01);

Map<String, MultiLayerNet> networks = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<Double>> train_loss = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> e : weight_init_types.entrySet()) {
    String key = e.getKey();
    String weight_init_std = e.getValue();
    networks.put(key, new MultiLayerNet(
        784, new int[] {100, 100, 100, 100}, 10, weight_init_std));
    train_loss.put(key, new ArrayList<>());

//2:Start of training
for (int i = 0; i < max_iteration; ++i) {
    DataSet sample = dataset.sample(batch_size);
    INDArray x_batch = sample.getFeatureMatrix();
    INDArray t_batch = sample.getLabels();

    for (String key : weight_init_types.keySet()) {
        MultiLayerNet network = networks.get(key);
        Params grads = network.gradicent(x_batch, t_batch);
        optimizer.update(network.params, grads);

        double loss = network.loss(x_batch, t_batch);

    if (i % 100 == 0) {
        System.out.println("===========" + "iteration:" + i + "===========");
        for (String key : weight_init_types.keySet()) {
            double loss = networks.get(key).loss(x_batch, t_batch);
            System.out.println(key + ":" + loss);

// 3:Drawing a graph
GraphImage graph = new GraphImage(800, 600, -100, -0.2, max_iteration, 2.5);
Map<String, Color> colors = new HashMap<>();
colors.put("std", Color.GREEN);
colors.put("Xavier", Color.RED);
colors.put("He", Color.BLUE);
double h = 1.5;
for (String key : weight_init_types.keySet()) {
    List<Double> losses = train_loss.get(key);
    graph.text(key, 1000, h);
    h += 0.1;
    int step = 10;
    graph.plot(0, losses.get(0));
    for (int i = step; i < max_iteration; i += step) {
        graph.line(i - step, losses.get(i - step), i, losses.get(i));
        graph.plot(i, losses.get(i));
    graph.minX, graph.maxX, graph.minY, graph.maxY), 1000, h);
h += 0.1;
graph.text("Comparison by "initial weight" for MNIST dataset", 1000, h);
graph.writeTo(Constants.file(Constants.WeightImages, "weight_init_compare.png "));

The resulting graph looks like this:


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