I compared it with other books in relation to the translation about "OpenCV-Python Tutorials".
###** Introduction to OpenCV **
Let's get started with OpenCV-Python
Install OpenCV-Python on Windows
Make OpenCV available on windows.
Make OpenCV available on Fedora.
###** GUI features in OpenCV ** Let's start image manipulation
Let's start video operation
OpenCV drawing functions
Use mouse as paint brush
Use Trackbar as a color palette
###** Core operation ** Basic operations on images
You will learn how to read and edit pixel values, operate images in the ROI (region of interest), and other basic operations.
"Practical machine learning system" Chapter 10 Computer vision pattern recognition Loading images using mahotas is introduced. Again, the data format after reading is numpy.array. The function name is also imread ().
Performs arithmetic operations on the image.
[Execution performance measurement and improvement method] (http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_core/py_optimization/py_optimization.html#optimization-techniques)
It's important to get the answer. But getting the answer the fastest is even more important. Check the speed of your code, learn to optimize your code and more.
Mathematical methods in OpenCV
PCA(Principalcomponentsanalysis 主成分分析)、SVD(singularvaluedecomposition 特異値分解)などのOpenCVで提供されている数学的手法のいくつかを学びます。
###** Image processing with OpenCV **
Change color space
Geometric transformation of images
Image Threshold Processing
画像をグローバルしきい値、適応的閾値処理 、大津の2値化などで2値化画像に変換してみましょう。
mahotas also includes the binarization of Otsu. Other binarization techniques Ridler-Calvard techniques are also implemented.
Image Smoothing
Mol of contraction, expansion, Opening, Closing, etc. Learn about phology transformations.
Find image gradients, edges, etc. Let's do it.
Let's find the edge using Canny edge detection.
Image Pyramid
####** Contour processing with OpenCV **
Find the outline and draw
Learn about finding various contour features, areas, perimeters, circumscribing rectangles, etc.
Contour Properties
Learn to find various contour characteristics, solidity, average strength and more.
Learn to find convexity defects, point Polygon Tests, and match with different shapes.
Learn about the hierarchy of contours.
Histogram in OpenCV
OpenCV Histogram in OpenCV
Histograms-1: Find, plot and analyze! !! !!
Find the histogram and draw it.
Learn to flatten the histogram to get a good contrast image.
Learn to find and plot a 2D histogram.
Learn to back-project a histogram on an object colored by region.
Image conversion with OpenCV
Template Matching
Hough Transform
Hough Transform
Image segmentation based on the Watershed algorithm
Let's divide the image area using the Watershed algorithm.
Let's extract the foreground with the GrabCut algorithm.
###** Feature detection and feature description **
What are the main features of the image? How useful are these features found?
Harris Corner Detection
ええ、コーナーはよい特徴? でもどうやって見つけますか?
[Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector and Good Features to Track](http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_feature2d/py_shi_tomasi/py_shi_tomasi.html#shi- tomasi)
Let's take a look at the details of Shi-Tomasi corner detection.
Introduction to SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) Features
Harris corner detectors are not good enough when the scale of the image changes. Lowe has developed a breakthrough method to find features that do not affect scale. It is called SIFT features.
SIFT features are certainly good features. But it's not fast enough. Therefore, a high-speed version called SURF features was created.
FAST algorithm for corner detection
BRIEF Independent Elementary Features
SIFT特徴量は、128個の浮動小数点からなる特徴記述子を用いています。そのような特徴量を数千個あつかうことを考えてごらんなさい。そのときたくさんのメモリーとマッチングのためにたくさんの時間を使 is. You can compress the features to make them faster, but you still have to calculate the features first. That's where BRIEF comes in, offering a shortcut to finding binary descriptors with less memory, faster matching, and higher recognition.
ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) features
SIFT特徴量とSURF特徴量はとてもよく動くのだけれども、あなたの用途の中で使うには毎年数ドル払わなければならないとしたらどうしますか? それらは特許が成立しているのです。その問題を解決するには、OpenCVの開発者はSIFT特徴量とSURF特徴量への新しい"FREE"な代替品、ORBを思いつきました。
Feature Matching
Feature matching and homography for finding objects
Mahotas contains Haralic features that can distinguish between smooth and patterned images.
SURF features are also included in mahotas.
###** Video analysis ** Meanshift and Camshift Tracking (http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_video/py_meanshift/py_meanshift.html#meanshift)
We have already seen an example of color-based tracking. It's simple. Let's take a look at how the better algorithm, mean shift and its improved version, CamShift, find and track objects.
[Optical flow] (http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_video/py_lucas_kanade/py_lucas_kanade.html#lucas-kanade)
Let's learn about the important concept, optical flow. It is related to video and has many uses.
In some applications, it is necessary to extract the foreground like object tracking. Background removal is a well-known technique that helps in those cases.
###** Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction **
Camera Calibration
Posture estimation
A short session to help you create a little cool 3D effect with the calib module.
Epipolar Geometry
Depth distance information from stereo image
###** Machine learning ** K-nearest neighbor method
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
K-means clustering
A group of data using K-means clustering Learn to classify into clusters. Then you will learn to perform color quantization using the K-means method.
Handwritten digit recognition with OpenCV ($OPENCV_DIR)\sources\samples\python2\digits.py You can see the results by SVM and KNearest.
###Computational Photography Here you will learn about the various features of OpenCV related to Computational Photography, such as image denoising.
Image Noise Removal
Non-local Meansノイズ除去と呼ばれる画像からノイズを除去する良好な手法を見ていただきます。
Image Repair
###** Object detection ** Face detection using Haar cascade detector
Haar カスケード検出器を用いた顔検出
###** OpenCV-Python binding ** Now let's learn how OpenCV-Python bindings are made.
How does the OpenCV-Python binding work?
Machine learning starting with Python-feature engineering and machine learning basics learned with scikit-learn
Is published in May 2017.
"Practical computer vision" related I tried all the exercises in "Practical Computer Vision"
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