[python] [c ++] bisect (* _bound) in reverse (descending) list

Since bisect does not support descending list, I made it. https://codeday.me/jp/qa/20190215/252510.html There are some, but I wonder if it is possible to implement it by myself.

from bisect import*

cargo_ascending =[1,3,3,4,6,6,7,7,32,43]

#cargo_It's not necessary to take the descending argument, but for the time being
def bisect_reverse_right(cargo_descending,x,lb=0,ub=length):  
    return length-bisect_left(cargo_ascending,x,length-ub,length-lb)

def bisect_reverse_left(cargo_descending,x,lb=0,ub=length):
    return length-bisect_right(cargo_ascending,x,length-ub,length-lb)

print(bisect_left(cargo_ascending,7))  #6
print(bisect_right(cargo_ascending,7))  #8
print(bisect_left(cargo_ascending,43))  #9
print(bisect_right(cargo_ascending,43))  #10

print(bisect_reverse_left(cargo_descending,7))  #2
print(bisect_reverse_right(cargo_descending,7))  #4
print(bisect_reverse_left(cargo_descending,43))  #0
print(bisect_reverse_right(cargo_descending,43))  #1
int bisect_reverse_left(vector<int>cargo_descending,int x,int lb=0,int ub=length){
    return length-(upper_bound(cargo_ascending.begin()+length-ub,cargo_ascending.begin()+length-lb,x)-cargo_ascending.begin());
int bisect_reverse_right(vector<int>cargo_descending,int x,int lb=0,int ub=length){
    return length-(lower_bound(cargo_ascending.begin()+length-ub,cargo_ascending.begin()+length-lb,x)-cargo_ascending.begin());

Since I received a comment, I will give you a version using the comparison function

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int length;

//This is cargo_Only descending required
int bisect_reverse_left(std::vector<int>cargo_descending,int x,int lb=0,int ub=length){
    return *std::upper_bound(cargo_descending.begin()+lb,cargo_descending.begin()+ub, x, [](autoa,autob){returna>b;});
int bisect_reverse_right(std::vector<int>cargo_descending,int x,int lb=0,int ub=length){
    return *std::lower_bound(cargo_descending.begin()+lb,cargo_descending.begin()+ub, x, [](autoa,autob){returna>b;});

int main() {
    std::vector<int> v = {5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1};
    std::cout<<bisect_reverse_left(v,3)<<std::endl;  //2
    std::cout<<bisect_reverse_right(v,3)<<std::endl;  //3

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