Launch Flask application with Docker on Heroku


About a month ago, leave the Docker image as it is Now that I can deploy it to Heroku, I tried it. It's still in public beta.

reference Container registry public beta - deploy Docker images to Heroku ContainerRegistryandRuntime


The following is described assuming that it has already been completed.


I used my own Flask application as the deployment target.

It is a simple clock application that switches images according to the time of day.

    ├ static/
    ├ templates/
    ├ Dockerfile
    └ requirements.txt
#Use Alpine Linux with Python as base image
FROM python:3.5.2-alpine

#git installation
RUN apk update
RUN apk add git

#Python package installation
ADD requirements.txt /tmp
RUN pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt

#Place the source code
RUN git clone clock

#launch flask application
ENV FLASK_APP /web/clock/
CMD flask run -h -p $PORT

The point is the launch of the flask application.


Prior confirmation

Make sure the docker command is available

$ docker ps

Log in to Heroku.

$ heroku login

Source code placement

Get the source code from GitHub and change to the directory.

$ git clone ./image_clock
$ cd image_clock

Creating a Heroku application

Secure a place for the application.

$ heroku create flask-clock-sample

At this stage, there is no sauce in it, so it's just a box. When you access it, it looks like this. ↓ Heroku___Welcome_to_your_new_app_.png

Docker container push

Build a container based on the Dockerfile and send it to the repository.

$ heroku container:push --app flask-clock-sample web

Operation check

$ heroku open --app flask-clock-sample

I was able to confirm the operation of the clock application. Clock.png


Because the application used this time does not use add-ons I was able to set it up and deploy it very simply.

It seems to be a little more difficult to create a Heroku-like configuration such as DB connection and log organization.

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