Launch environment with LineBot + Heroku + Docker + Python


Mainly referenced pages

Build a server environment for linebot on Docker

I think that if you deploy to normal Heroku, you push requirement.txt and procfile, but if you can create an environment with Docker, it will be easier to use it, so build an environment using Docker. I do.

Folder structure

linebot │ .dockerignore │ Dockerfile.heroku │ └─app │


FROM kyobad/miniconda3-alpine:latest


RUN pip install --upgrade pip \
    && conda install -y flask \
    && pip install flask gunicorn line-bot-sdk \
    && adduser -D botter \
    && mkdir /home/botter/app

USER botter

COPY ./app /home/botter/app

WORKDIR /home/botter/app

CMD gunicorn -b$PORT bot:app --log-file=-

###This is a copy of the official SDK###
from flask import Flask, request, abort

from linebot import (
    LineBotApi, WebhookHandler
from linebot.exceptions import (
from linebot.models import (
    MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage,

app = Flask(__name__)

line_bot_api = LineBotApi('YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN')
handler = WebhookHandler('YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET')

@app.route("/callback", methods=['POST'])
def callback():
    # get X-Line-Signature header value
    signature = request.headers['X-Line-Signature']

    # get request body as text
    body = request.get_data(as_text=True)"Request body: " + body)

    # handle webhook body
        handler.handle(body, signature)
    except InvalidSignatureError:

    return 'OK'

@handler.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
def handle_message(event):

if __name__ == "__main__":

In Dockerfile, we are building the environment for ourselves. You can change it freely, but be aware that Heroku will not recognize the port unless you set it to $ PORT.

Deployment method

Create an application on Heroku Remember the name of the application you created (application generation using cli is also OK)

Build a Docker image

From here, I will work with cli First, log in to the registry with heroku container: login Next, create an image with docker -f Dockerfile.heroku build. The image name will be changed later, so feel free to name it.

Push to Heroku and deploy

After creating the image, rewrite the image name to push to Heroku docker tag <image><app>/<process-type> Here, <app> is the application name on heroku, and <process-type> is OK. And docker push <app> / <process-type>

This will launch the container with the specified URL! Convenient! But it still doesn't work anywhere

Setting environment variables

Since the access key and secret key are not solid in the code, set using heroku's cli heroku config:set ACCESS_TOKEN=hogehoge --app appname And so on, I'll set environment variables from the console.

When this is done, the parrot return should be completed

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