I passed the Oracle Java Bronze, so I summarized the outline of the exam.

Hello. My name is Yu Murata, an 18-year-old SE.

Such a guy recently I have passed the qualification "Oracle Java Bronze". Below, I will write down what I felt after taking the Oracle Java Bronze exam.

Exam outline

It is one of the qualifications of the Oracle Certified Java Programmer Exam. The qualification is operated by Oracle, the developer of Java. The test categories are divided into "Bronze (obtained this time)", "Silver", and "Gold" from the basic ones.   The details of Bronze are as follows. Test time: 65 minutes Number of questions: 60 questions Question format: CBT (choice question) Pass line: 60%

If you want to know more, this site may be recommended. URL:https://aithii.com/2018/12/15/post-1144/

My specs

18 graduates I joined a mid-career SIer as a development SE with a new graduate. A liberal arts with little programming experience. I have never touched Java in practice.

Reason for taking the exam

This is because I learned techniques that are not directly related to my work in the overall technical training, and I have been away from programming for a long time.

Study days, etc.

1 month → Weekdays: 1-3 hours → Holidays: 2-5 hours

How to study

As for this exam, the contents of the past questions will be taken as they are, so I focused on the past questions. → In the actual exam, the contents of the past questions came out, so I think this study method was good.

Learning important matters

At first, I learned important matters in Book that teaches the basics of Java SE Bronze in 2 weeks (Thorough capture). → After that, when I solved the past questions, there were many things that I could not solve, so I changed my direction to a study method centered on past questions.

Past exercises [early stage]

Thorough capture Java SE 7/8 Bronze problem collection [1Z0-814] correspondence, so-called "Kuromoto" solved the past questions. I reviewed the places where I made a mistake and understood in my head that the answer to the past question was "Why did that happen?" → If you didn't understand after reading the explanation of Kuromoto, you can look it up on the Internet. I actually wrote the code and understood "how it works".

Past exercises [immediately before]

I focused on what I was not good at. (In my case, it was "object-oriented" in general.) → From around this time, I wrote the solution directly in the black book and tried to see and understand it in my spare time.

Test results

I passed it with less than 70%.


I'm glad I received it from Oracle Java Bronze. There is an opinion on the net that "Oracle Java Bronze is useless, so you should get it from (higher qualification) Silver", In my case, my basic knowledge of Java was suspicious, so I decided to take the Bronze exam first.   Also, I feel that I was able to understand Java more than before by taking the exam.

Be careful here

Exam time allocation

The exam time is 65 minutes and there are 60 questions. Therefore, you need to be fast enough to solve one question in about one minute. In my case, I tried to solve simple problems immediately. As a result, there was about 10 minutes left in production.

I thought I shouldn't lick it because it's the lowest level

It's an impression that I solved Bronze's problem, but I found it difficult. I've been learning Java on learning sites such as Progate and Paiza Learning, That's why I thought it was a level that I couldn't compete with even if I studied all over.

Applying for the exam is complicated

I think the following sites are easy to understand when applying for the exam. URL:https://csmajors.net/how-to-apply-for-oracle-certified-programmer-exam/

In this way, with Oracle, which operates the test I needed a procedure from Pearson VUE, which provides a place to actually take the exam, so The truth is that it was a little complicated.

This is my own story ...

In addition, "credit payment" is the basic method for paying the examination fee. In my case, the company does not allow credit payment, I could only do three things: "purchase voucher", "bank transfer", and "cash payment locally". The details of payment are as follows. URL:https://www.pearsonvue.co.jp/test-taker/Tutorial/Payment.aspx

I myself chose the simplest method, "cash payment locally", We do not recommend it because there are only limited places. (When I checked, there were only Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, and Fukuoka prefectures.) URL:https://www.pearsonvue.co.jp/Documents/Japan-Downloads/TC_List/pvue_jp_TC_all.aspx


I'm still immature I would like to get the higher qualification, Oracle Java Silver, later this year.

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