I finished watching The Rose of Versailles, so I tried to reproduce the ending song in Java

Have you ever seen the Rose of Versailles?

I think it is natural.

I recently saw The Rose of Versailles, but I couldn't catch the end of the story, so I decided to fill the feeling of loneliness by writing a fucking code that reproduces the ending song of The Rose of Versailles.

The void created in this way is the following code.

Please google the lyrics.


import java.util.*;

public class TheRoseofVersailles{
 public static String love="love";
 public static String loversName="Oscar";

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 public static void Amero(){
    int yourHeart=0;
    String love="suffering";
     System.out.println("Love is "+love);
 public static void Bmero(){
    String you="light";
    String me="shadow";
    String bond=you+" and "+me;
    System.out.println("you and me=="+bond);
 public static void Sabi(){
    for(int suffer=0;suffer<5;suffer++){

 public static void quote(){
    boolean myEyes=false;

public static void Love(){
 love="can't be called love";

Execution result:

Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
Love is suffering
you and me==light and shadow
love==can't be called love

Goodbye, my beloved Oscar

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