DCGAN with TF Learn

What is DCGAN

Generative model using DCNN (Deep Convolutional Neural Network) For details, refer to the following

Let the computer draw an illustration using Chainer Automatic face illustration generation with Chainer Idol face image generation with DCGAN by TensorFlow

Implementation process

In the current version of TFLearn (0.2.2), the original model cannot simply be implemented (probably) After sharing the weight between Generator and Discriminator, it can be easily implemented by passing both to the Trainer class as an array, but the training data is different from the original model because different ones are input.

When I experimented with the simplified version using only one class of CIFAR10 quickly, only a blurry image came out. I felt that Label 1 (automobile) was a little better than Label 0 (airplane) (maybe because the airplane has more variations in shooting angles and backgrounds).

~~ When I rewrote the Trainer and TrainOp classes and executed it, the result was not much different from the simplified version (the convergence speed may be slightly different), so CIFAR10 is truly the image size (32x32) and the number of samples. Since there is a problem with (1 class 6000), I cut out the data of CelebA to 176x176 and experiment again. It's hard to mess with so far, so it might have been better to have a common random number in the class variable in the Callback sub batch begin ~~ After reviewing the implementation, I feel that the same value is not passed to Generator and Discriminator, so I modified the code

According to Issues on Github, GAN samples will be included in the next version (0.3), so it is possible that additional necessary functions will be implemented in the future. I wonder if (or maybe it can be implemented with existing features just because I couldn't find it)

I use tanh for the activation function

--I want to keep the value within a certain range to generate an image —— Gradient disappearance is slower than sigmoid --The gradient is maximum near 0, which is the initial value (learning is easy to proceed at the beginning)

If that is the reason, is it better to use tf.clip_by_value (x, -1, 1) without passing through the activation function?

It doesn't work very well, and there are still many things I don't understand.

――Even if you use Leaky ReLU or ELU on the Discriminator side, you are using ReLU on the Generator side. What happens if you set the Generator side to ELU? --There was an implementation in which the learning rate of Generator was 1e-3 and the learning rate of Discriminator was 1e-4. Is it okay for other parameters to be common to both? ――I use Adam for both Generator and Discriminator, but when I lowered beta1 of Discriminator to 0.1, learning seemed to be faster, so what if I changed it to something else such as SGD? ――How much difference will it make if you let Discriminator learn the transfer?

Parameter adjustment

In the parameter adjustment tips, it was stated below that in general, in order to train the Generator and Discriminator with the same loss, it is better to lower the learning rate of Discriminator and beta1.



Trainer and TrainOp classes

class Trainer(tflearn.Trainer):
    def fit(self, feed_dicts, n_epoch=10, val_feed_dicts=None,
            show_metric=False, snapshot_step=None, snapshot_epoch=True,
            shuffle_all=None, dprep_dict=None, daug_dict=None,
            excl_trainops=None, run_id=None, callbacks=[]):
        id_generator = tflearn.utils.id_generator
        to_list = tflearn.utils.to_list
        standarize_dict = tflearn.utils.standarize_dict
        tf_callbacks = tflearn.callbacks
        get_dict_first_element = tflearn.utils.get_dict_first_element
        data_flow = tflearn.data_flow

        if not run_id:
            run_id = id_generator(6)
        print("Run id: " + run_id)
        print("Log directory: " + self.tensorboard_dir)

        original_train_ops = list(self.train_ops)
        # Remove excluded train_ops
        for t in self.train_ops:
            if excl_trainops and t in excl_trainops:

        # shuffle is an override for simplicty, it will overrides every
        # training op batch shuffling
        if isinstance(shuffle_all, bool):
            for t in self.train_ops:
                t.shuffle = shuffle_all

        with self.graph.as_default():

                self.summ_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(
                    self.tensorboard_dir + run_id, self.session.graph)
            except Exception: # TF 0.7
                self.summ_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(
                    self.tensorboard_dir + run_id, self.session.graph_def)

            feed_dicts = to_list(feed_dicts)
            self.feed_dict_all = {}
            for d in feed_dicts:

            termlogger = tf_callbacks.TermLogger()
            modelsaver = tf_callbacks.ModelSaver(self.save,

            # moved from TrainOp.initialize_fit
            self.n_train_samples = len(

            self.index_array = np.arange(self.n_train_samples)

            self.train_dflow = data_flow.FeedDictFlow(self.feed_dict_all,
                self.coord, continuous=True,

            self.n_batches = len(self.train_dflow.batches)

            for train_op in self.train_ops:
                # Prepare all train_ops for fitting
                train_op.initialize_fit(show_metric, self.summ_writer)
                train_op.train_dflow = self.train_dflow

                # Prepare TermLogger for training diplay
                metric_term_name = None
                if train_op.metric is not None:
                    if hasattr(train_op.metric, 'm_name'):
                        metric_term_name = train_op.metric.m_name
                        metric_term_name = train_op.metric.name.split(':')[0]
                               metric_name=metric_term_name, name=train_op.name)

            max_batches_len = self.n_batches

            caller = tf_callbacks.ChainCallback(callbacks=[termlogger,

            callbacks = to_list(callbacks)

            if callbacks:
                [caller.add(cb) for cb in callbacks]

            train_ops_count = len(self.train_ops)
            snapshot = snapshot_epoch

                for epoch in range(n_epoch):



                    # Global epoch are defined as loop over all data (whatever
                    # which data input), so one epoch loop in a multi-inputs
                    # model is equal to max(data_input) size.
                    for batch_step in range(self.n_batches):



                        # moved from TrainOp._train

                        feed_batch_all = self.train_dflow.next()
                        snapshot_epoch = False
                        if epoch != self.train_dflow.data_status.epoch:
                            if bool(self.best_checkpoint_path) | snapshot_epoch:
                                snapshot_epoch = True
                        for t in feed_batch_all:
                            if t.name.startswith('input_z'):
                                feed_batch_all[t] = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=feed_batch_all[t].shape)

                        for i, train_op in enumerate(self.train_ops):


                            feed_batch = {t:feed_batch_all[t] for t in feed_dicts[i]}

                            snapshot = train_op._train(self.training_state.step,
                                snapshot_epoch, snapshot_step, show_metric,
                                epoch, feed_batch)

                            # Update training state
                            self.training_state.update(train_op, train_ops_count)

                            # Optimizer batch end
                            caller.on_sub_batch_end(self.training_state, i)

                        # All optimizers batch end
                        caller.on_batch_end(self.training_state, snapshot)

                    # Epoch end

                # Set back train_ops
                self.train_ops = original_train_ops

class TrainOp(tflearn.TrainOp):
    def initialize_fit(self, show_metric, summ_writer):
        self.summary_writer = summ_writer

        self.create_testing_summaries(show_metric, self.metric_summ_name, None)

    def _train(self, training_step, snapshot_epoch, snapshot_step, show_metric,
               epoch, feed_batch, snapshot=False):
        summaries = tflearn.helpers.summarizer.summaries

        self.loss_value, self.acc_value = None, None
        train_summ_str = None

        tflearn.is_training(True, session=self.session)
        _, train_summ_str = self.session.run([self.train, self.summ_op],

        # Retrieve loss value from summary string
        sname = "- Loss/" + self.scope_name
        self.loss_value = summaries.get_value_from_summary_string(
            sname, train_summ_str)

        if show_metric and self.metric is not None:
            # Retrieve accuracy value from summary string
            sname = "- " + self.metric_summ_name + "/" + self.scope_name
            self.acc_value = summaries.get_value_from_summary_string(
                sname, train_summ_str)

        if snapshot_epoch:
            snapshot = True

        # Check if step reached snapshot step
        if snapshot_step:
            if training_step % snapshot_step == 0:
                snapshot = True

        # Write to Tensorboard
        n_step = self.training_steps.eval(session=self.session)
        if n_step > 1:
            if train_summ_str:
                self.summary_writer.add_summary(train_summ_str, n_step)

        return snapshot

DCGAN Image data is placed in "./img_align_celeba_crop/0/" because image_preloader is used.


from __future__ import (
from six.moves import range

import tensorflow as tf
import tflearn

import os
import numpy as np
from skimage import io

TENSORBOARD_DIR = '/tmp/tflearn_logs/'
MODEL_DIR = '/tmp/dcgan/'
CHECKPOINT_PATH = '/tmp/dcgan/ckpt/'

    if not os.path.exists(path):

class DCGAN:
    def __init__(self, img_shape=None, n_first_filter=None, n_layer=None,
                 dim_z=None, activation='lrelu'):
        self.img_shape = list(img_shape)
        self.n_first_filter = n_first_filter
        self.n_layer = n_layer
        self.dim_z = dim_z
        self.activation = activation
        self.initializer = tflearn.initializations.truncated_normal(mean=0.0,
            stddev=0.02, dtype=tf.float16)
        self.weight_decay_gen = 0.0001
        self.weight_decay_dis = 0.0001
        self.trainer = None
        self.generator = None

    def _build(self, batch_size=64):
        gen = Generator(output_shape=self.img_shape,
            n_first_filter=self.n_first_filter * 2 ** (self.n_layer - 1),
            n_layer=self.n_layer, initializer=self.initializer,
            weight_decay=self.weight_decay_gen, scope='G')
        dis = Discriminator(n_first_filter=self.n_first_filter,
            n_layer=self.n_layer, initializer=self.initializer,
            weight_decay=self.weight_decay_dis, activation=self.activation,

        input_z = tflearn.input_data(shape=(None, self.dim_z), name='input_z')

        generated = gen(input_z)
        self.generator = tflearn.DNN(generated)

        prediction_generated = dis(generated)

        y_gen = tflearn.input_data(shape=(None, 2), name='y_generator')
        loss_gen = tflearn.categorical_crossentropy(prediction_generated, y_gen)

        inputs = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None] + self.img_shape,
        inputs = inputs * 2 - 1

        prediction_origin = dis(inputs, reuse=True)
        prediction_all = tflearn.merge(
            [prediction_origin, prediction_generated], 'concat', axis=0)

        y_dis_origin = tflearn.input_data(shape=(None, 2),
        y_dis_gen = tflearn.input_data(shape=(None, 2),
        y_dis = tflearn.merge([y_dis_origin, y_dis_gen], 'concat', axis=0)

        loss_dis = tflearn.categorical_crossentropy(prediction_all, y_dis)

        # print([v.name for v in tflearn.get_all_trainable_variable()])
        trainable_variables = tflearn.get_all_trainable_variable()
        self.generator_variables = [v for v in trainable_variables
                                    if gen.scope + '/' in v.name]
        self.discriminator_variables = [v for v in trainable_variables
                                        if dis.scope + '/' in v.name]

        optimizer_gen = tflearn.Adam(learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.5).get_tensor()
        optimizer_dis = tflearn.Adam(learning_rate=0.0001, beta1=0.5).get_tensor()
        gen_train_op = TrainOp(loss_gen, optimizer_gen, batch_size=batch_size,
        dis_train_op = TrainOp(loss_dis, optimizer_dis, batch_size=batch_size,
        self.trainer = Trainer([gen_train_op, dis_train_op],
                               max_checkpoints=2, tensorboard_verbose=0,

    def _get_tensor_by_name(self, name):
        return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.INPUTS, scope=name)[0]

    def train(self, x, n_sample):
        zeros = np.zeros((n_sample, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
        ones = np.ones((n_sample, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
        should_true = np.concatenate((zeros, ones), axis=1)
        should_false = np.concatenate((ones, zeros), axis=1)

        input_origin = self._get_tensor_by_name('input_origin')
        input_z = self._get_tensor_by_name('input_z')
        y_generator = self._get_tensor_by_name('y_generator')
        y_discriminator_origin = self._get_tensor_by_name('y_discriminator_origin')
        y_discriminator_generated = self._get_tensor_by_name('y_discriminator_generated')
        zero_matrix = np.zeros((n_sample, self.dim_z))

        self.feed_dict_gen = {input_z:zero_matrix, y_generator:should_true}
        self.feed_dict_dis = {input_origin:x, input_z:zero_matrix,

        self.trainer.fit(feed_dicts=[self.feed_dict_gen, self.feed_dict_dis],
                         n_epoch=1000, snapshot_step=1000,

    def generate(self, z):
        output = self.generator.predict(z)
        output = np.clip(output, -1, 1)
        output = (output + 1) * 0.5 * 255

        return output.astype(np.uint8)

class Generator(object):
    def __init__(self, output_shape, n_first_filter, n_layer, initializer,
                 weight_decay, scope):
        self.output_channel = output_shape[2]
        self.first_height = output_shape[0] // 2 ** (n_layer - 1)
        self.first_width = output_shape[1] // 2 ** (n_layer - 1)
        self.first_filter = n_first_filter
        self.first_node = self.first_height * self.first_width * self.first_filter
        self.first_shape = [-1, self.first_height, self.first_width, self.first_filter]
        self.n_layer = n_layer
        self.initializer = initializer
        self.weight_decay = weight_decay
        self.scope = scope

    def __call__(self, incoming, reuse=False):
        height = self.first_height
        width = self.first_width
        filter_ = self.first_filter

        net = incoming

        with tf.variable_scope(self.scope):
            net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, self.first_node,
            net = tflearn.reshape(net, self.first_shape)

            for i in range(self.n_layer - 1):
                height *= 2
                width *= 2
                if i < self.n_layer - 2:
                    filter_ //= 2
                    filter_ = self.output_channel
                net = tflearn.batch_normalization(net)
                net = tflearn.relu(net)
                net = tflearn.conv_2d_transpose(net, filter_, 4,
                                                [height, width], strides=2,

        return tflearn.tanh(net)

class Discriminator(object):
    def __init__(self, n_first_filter, n_layer, initializer, weight_decay,
                 activation, scope):
        self.n_first_filter = n_first_filter
        self.n_layer = n_layer
        self.initializer = initializer
        self.weight_decay = weight_decay
        self.activation = activation
        self.scope = scope

    def __call__(self, incoming, reuse=False):
        net = incoming

        for i in range(self.n_layer):
            net = tflearn.conv_2d(net, self.n_first_filter * 2 ** i, 4,
                strides=2, weights_init=self.initializer,
                weight_decay=self.weight_decay, reuse=reuse,
                scope='{s}/Conv2D_{n}'.format(s=self.scope, n=i))
            net = tflearn.batch_normalization(net, reuse=reuse,
                scope='{s}/BatchNormalization_{n}'.format(s=self.scope, n=i))
            net = tflearn.activation(net, self.activation)

        net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 2, weights_init=self.initializer,
            weight_decay=self.weight_decay, reuse=reuse,

        return tflearn.softmax(net)

class CustomCallback(tflearn.callbacks.Callback):
    def __init__(self, dcgan, epoch=0):
        self.dcgan = dcgan
        self.epoch = epoch
        self.n_side = 10
        self.sample_z = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0,
            size=(self.n_side ** 2, self.dcgan.dim_z))

    def _save(self, file_name):
        gen_imgs = self.dcgan.generate(self.sample_z)
        img_height = self.dcgan.img_shape[0]
        img_width = self.dcgan.img_shape[1]
        img_channel = self.dcgan.img_shape[2]
        image = np.ndarray(shape=(self.n_side * img_height, self.n_side * img_width, img_channel),
        for y in range(self.n_side):
            for x in range(self.n_side):
                image[y * img_height : (y + 1) * img_height,
                      x * img_width  : (x + 1) * img_width,
                      :] = gen_imgs[x + y * self.n_side]
        io.imsave(file_name + '.png', image)

    def on_batch_end(self, training_state, snapshot=False):
        if snapshot:
            self.dcgan.generator.load('{dir}-{step}'.format(dir=CHECKPOINT_PATH, step=training_state.step))
            file_name = '{dir}step{n}'.format(dir=MODEL_DIR,

Referenced for implementation

TensorFlow implementation of DCGAN DCGAN in Tensorflow chainer-DCGAN KERAS-DCGAN

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