I thought it would be slow to use a for statement in NumPy, but that wasn't the case.

Inspired by Explicitly writing a loop in numpy is extremely slow

In the above article, it was said that writing for explicitly would be extremely slow. For example

def matmul1(a, b):
    lenI = a.shape[0]
    lenJ = a.shape[1]
    lenK = b.shape[1]
    c = np.zeros((lenI, lenJ))
    for i in range(lenI):
        for j in range(lenJ):
            for k in range(lenK):
                c[i, j] += a[i, k] * b[k, j]
    return c

Code like is slower than np.dot.

%timeit matmul1(a, b)
1 loops, best of 3: 12.9 s per loop
%timeit np.dot(a, b)
10 loops, best of 3: 20.7 ms per loop

It's slow because it's calculated on my laptop. Also, atlas / mkl is not linked.

Now use Numba.

import numba

@numba.jit  #Add only here
def matmul1_jit(a, b):
    lenI = a.shape[0]
    lenJ = a.shape[1]
    lenK = b.shape[1]
    c = np.zeros((lenI, lenJ))
    for i in range(lenI):
        for j in range(lenJ):
            for k in range(lenK):
                c[i, j] += a[i, k] * b[k, j]
    return c

It JIT compiles Python code using LLVM, so it can run very fast. The first call includes time to compile, so if you measure the speed on subsequent calls:

%timeit matmul1_jit(a, b)
10 loops, best of 3: 24.4 ms per loop

Just adding one line like this made it about the same as np.dot (about 20% slower).

Put the whole ipynb in gist. I wish I could embed nbviewer in Qiita.

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