[TF] How to specify variables to update with Optimizer

When you create and train a model in Deep Learning, you may want to specify the parameters to learn. For example, when you are learning two networks alternately and you do not want to update the parameters of one network.

There are several ways to specify the parameters to learn.

1. 1. Set trainable of Variable argument to False


x = tf.Variable(tf.constant([2.]), name='x', trainable=False)

2. Pass the list of variables to update to Optimizer


opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0)
train = opt.minimize(f, var_list=[w,b])

Number 2 is easier to change the code.

Execution result

When you do nothing

When I execute the code below, the variables w, b, x, y_ are updated. (The code below is not practical, and usually x and y_ are used as placeholders, so it doesn't matter, but please forgive me as an example.)


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

w = tf.Variable(tf.constant([3.]), name='w')
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant([1.]), name='b')
x = tf.Variable(tf.constant([2.]), name='x')
y_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant([5.]), name='y_')

p = w*x
y = p+b
s = -y
t = s +y_
f = t*t

gx, gb, gw, gp, gy, gy_,gs, gt, gf = tf.gradients(f, [x, b, w, p, y, y_,s, t, f])

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0)
train = opt.minimize(f)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f' % (sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))
    print '---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ----------'

    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f'%(sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))

Execution result

sess.run(train)After x and y_The value of is also updated.

x:2.00, w:3.00, b:1.00 p:6.00, y:7.00, y_:5.00 s:-7.00, t:-2.00, f:4.00 ---------- gradient ---------- gx:12.00, gw:8.00, gb: 4.00 gp:4.00, gy:4.00, gy_:-4.00 gs:-4.00, gt:-4.00, gf:1.00 ---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ---------- x:-10.00, w:-5.00, b:-3.00 p:50.00, y:47.00, y_:9.00 s:-47.00, t:-38.00, f:1444.00 ---------- gradient ---------- gx:-380.00, gw:-760.00, gb: 76.00 gp:76.00, gy:76.00, gy_:-76.00 gs:-76.00, gt:-76.00, gf:1.00

## When trainable is specified

#### **`python`**

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

w = tf.Variable(tf.constant([3.]), name='w')
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant([1.]), name='b')
x = tf.Variable(tf.constant([2.]), name='x', trainable=False)
y_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant([5.]), name='y_', trainable=False)

p = w*x
y = p+b
s = -y
t = s +y_
f = t*t

gx, gb, gw, gp, gy, gy_,gs, gt, gf = tf.gradients(f, [x, b, w, p, y, y_,s, t, f])

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0)
train = opt.minimize(f)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f' % (sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))
    print '---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ----------'

    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f'%(sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))

Execution result

sess.run(train)Even after x and y_You can see that the value of is also unchanged.

x:2.00, w:3.00, b:1.00 p:6.00, y:7.00, y_:5.00 s:-7.00, t:-2.00, f:4.00 ---------- gradient ---------- gx:12.00, gw:8.00, gb: 4.00 gp:4.00, gy:4.00, gy_:-4.00 gs:-4.00, gt:-4.00, gf:1.00 ---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ---------- x:2.00, w:-5.00, b:-3.00 p:-10.00, y:-13.00, y_:5.00 s:13.00, t:18.00, f:324.00 ---------- gradient ---------- gx:180.00, gw:-72.00, gb: -36.00 gp:-36.00, gy:-36.00, gy_:36.00 gs:36.00, gt:36.00, gf:1.00

## When passing a list of variables to update to Optimizer
 If you want to pass a list of variables to Optimizer, pass var_list as an argument to minimize.

#### **`python`**

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

w = tf.Variable(tf.constant([3.]), name='w')
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant([1.]), name='b')
x = tf.Variable(tf.constant([2.]), name='x')
y_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant([5.]), name='y_')

p = w*x
y = p+b
s = -y
t = s +y_
f = t*t

gx, gb, gw, gp, gy, gy_,gs, gt, gf = tf.gradients(f, [x, b, w, p, y, y_,s, t, f])

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0)
train = opt.minimize(f, var_list=[w,b])

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f' % (sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))
    print '---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ----------'

    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f'%(sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))

Execution result

x:2.00, w:3.00, b:1.00
p:6.00, y:7.00, y_:5.00
s:-7.00, t:-2.00, f:4.00
---------- gradient ----------
gx:12.00, gw:8.00, gb: 4.00
gp:4.00, gy:4.00, gy_:-4.00
gs:-4.00, gt:-4.00, gf:1.00
---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ----------
x:2.00, w:-5.00, b:-3.00
p:-10.00, y:-13.00, y_:5.00
s:13.00, t:18.00, f:324.00
---------- gradient ----------
gx:180.00, gw:-72.00, gb: -36.00
gp:-36.00, gy:-36.00, gy_:36.00
gs:36.00, gt:36.00, gf:1.00

If you don't want to bother listing variables in var_list, using scope makes it a little easier. The procedure is as follows.

  1. Use scope when declaring variables.
  2. Specify scope with get_collection to get the variable list of that scope


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

with tf.variable_scope("params"):
    w = tf.Variable(tf.constant([3.]), name='w')
    b = tf.Variable(tf.constant([1.]), name='b')

with tf.variable_scope("input"):
    x = tf.Variable(tf.constant([2.]), name='x')
    y_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant([5.]), name='y_')
with tf.variable_scope("intermediate"):
    p = w*x
    y = p+b
    s = -y
    t = s +y_
    f = t*t    

gx, gb, gw, gp, gy, gy_,gs, gt, gf = tf.gradients(f, [x, b, w, p, y, y_,s, t, f])

train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope="params")
print 'train_vars'
for v in train_vars:
    print v.name

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0)
train = opt.minimize(f, var_list=train_vars)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f' % (sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))
    print '---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ----------'

    print 'x:%.2f, w:%.2f, b:%.2f' % (sess.run(x), sess.run(w), sess.run(b))
    print 'p:%.2f, y:%.2f, y_:%.2f'% (sess.run(p), sess.run(y), sess.run(y_))
    print 's:%.2f, t:%.2f, f:%.2f'%(sess.run(s), sess.run(t), sess.run(f))

    print '---------- gradient ----------'
    print 'gx:%.2f, gw:%.2f, gb: %.2f' % (sess.run(gx), sess.run(gw), sess.run(gb))
    print 'gp:%.2f, gy:%.2f, gy_:%.2f' %(sess.run(gp), sess.run(gy), sess.run(gy_))
    print 'gs:%.2f, gt:%.2f, gf:%.2f' %(sess.run(gs), sess.run(gt), sess.run(gf))

Execution result

x:2.00, w:3.00, b:1.00
p:6.00, y:7.00, y_:5.00
s:-7.00, t:-2.00, f:4.00
---------- gradient ----------
gx:12.00, gw:8.00, gb: 4.00
gp:4.00, gy:4.00, gy_:-4.00
gs:-4.00, gt:-4.00, gf:1.00
---------- run GradientDescentOptimizer ----------
x:2.00, w:-5.00, b:-3.00
p:-10.00, y:-13.00, y_:5.00
s:13.00, t:18.00, f:324.00
---------- gradient ----------
gx:180.00, gw:-72.00, gb: -36.00
gp:-36.00, gy:-36.00, gy_:36.00
gs:36.00, gt:36.00, gf:1.00

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