I wrote what I wanted to say in the title. Python2.7
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
class TestModel(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
def txn (key):
entity = yield key.get_async()
if not entity:
entity = TestModel(key=key)
entity.populate(key=key, name='foo')
yield entity.put_async()
raise ndb.Return(entity)
def put_multi_async(keys):
def _put_multi_async(keys):
results = yield [txn(key) for key in keys]
raise ndb.Return(results)
return _put_multi_async(keys).get_result()
def main():
key1 = ndb.Key(TestModel, 1)
key2 = ndb.Key(TestModel, 2)
key3 = ndb.Key(TestModel, 3)
res = put_multi_async([key1, key2, key3])
print res
[TestModel(key=Key('TestModel', 1), name=u'foo'),
TestModel(key=Key('TestModel', 2), name=u'foo'),
TestModel(key=Key('TestModel', 3), name=u'foo')]
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