Write FW to TWE-Lite with TWE-Lite R.

Connect TWE-Lite R to your PC via USB and install the driver. After the installation is complete, plug TWE-Lite into TWE-Lite R. Right-click on the Start menu and select Computer Management. image

Check the TWE-Lite R port number on the port. This time is COM3. image

Right-click while holding down shift in the directory TWESDK_201408-31 \ TWESDK \ Tools \ jenprog \ bin in the TWE-Lite SDK. Open here in a command window. Select. image


Start in program mode. (1) First press the PRG button. (2) Hold down the PRG button and press the RST button. (3) Release the RST button, wait for a while, and then release the PRG button.


Display TWE-Lite information with "jenprog -t port number". Write with "jenprog -t port number FW data name" Help command with "jenprog -h". image



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