Visualize the export data of Piyo log


Currently, I am using the Piyolog App for raising 0-year-old children. With this app, you can export the content entered on your smartphone as text. I wondered if I could do something with this data.


Use the information from the Piyolog app to visualize the growth of your baby based on objective data, and look at the graph saying "Oh! Growing up!" To increase motivation for childcare. (Although I feel that the number of people who get motivated by looking at the graph is limited)

Processing flow

Piyo log → GAS → Raspberry pi (Shell + Python) → LINE When you export from Piyo log and send it to Gmail, the graphed result will be automatically sent to LINE. image.png

Piyo log export format

The text data (one day's worth) exported from the Piyo log looks like this.


[Piyo Log] May 2020
Child's name(0 years xx months xx days)

02:25 get up(3 hours 15 minutes)
02:30 pee
02:50 sleep
03:50 pee
05:40 get up(2 hours 50 minutes)
05:55 milk 130ml
~ Abbreviation ~
22:45 sleep

Breast milk total left 0 minutes/Right 0 minutes
Milk total 9 times 840ml
Total sleep 13 hours 40 minutes
Pee total 9 times
Poop total 1 time

Contents to be visualized

Make a simple graph so that you can visually understand the trends 1 to 3.

  1. How many ml of milk did you drink at one time in a day?
  2. How much do you drink in a day?
  3. How many ml have you taken in total up to now?

Processing with Raspberry Pi

The code is excerpted only for the main part.

List only necessary items


#Piyolog milk,List only items such as poop
def get_piyolog_all_items(texts):
    days = []
    all_items = []

    for month in texts:
        #Split text with line breaks
        lines = month.splitlines()

        #Make it a numpy array
        array = np.array(lines)

        for index, item in enumerate(array):
            #Get date
            if item == "----------" and index < len(array) - 1:
                day = array[index + 1]

            #Ignore blank lines & time the item you want to record(hh:mm)Judgment by
            if item != "" and check_item(item):
                #Store date and time and items in an array
                day_items = [day] + item.split()

    return all_items

Calculate maximum / cumulative value of milk


def get_each_day_milks(select, days, all_items):

    for item in all_items:
        #Extract the elements of milk
        if item[2] == "milk":
            milk = item[3]
            milk = int(milk.replace("ml", ""))
            all_milks.append([item[0], item[1], milk])

    for day in days:
        for array_milk in all_milks:

            #Maximum amount of milk per day
            if day == array_milk[0] and day_milk_max < array_milk[2]:
                #Save maximum value once
                tmp_max_milk = array_milk
                #Update the maximum value for the day
                day_milk_max = array_milk[2]

            #Total amount of milk per day
            if day == array_milk[0]:
                day_milk_sum += array_milk[2]

        #0 is not recorded
        if tmp_max_milk != 0:
            #Add to maximum milk list
            #Add to total milk list
            sum_milks.append([day, "", day_milk_sum])
            #Add to cumulative milk list
            all_milk_acc += day_milk_sum
            acc_milks.append([day, "", all_milk_acc])

        day_milk_max = 0
        day_milk_sum = 0

    # return
    if select == "max":
        return max_milks
    elif select == "sum":
        return sum_milks
    elif select == "acc":
        return acc_milks
        return "error!"



#Send images to LINE
def send_picture_to_line(PICTURE_PATH):
    url = LINE_URL
    token = LINE_TOKEN
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}

    payload = {"message": "send picture"}
    files = {"imageFile": open(PICTURE_PATH, "rb")}
    # post, data=payload, headers=headers, files=files)


Maximum amount of milk you drank in a day

You can see that the amount of milk you drink increases significantly during the newborn period (0 to 30 days after birth)! Growing up! milk_20200506_144852.png

Changes in the total value of milk drank in one day

After the newborn period, I drink 1000ml almost every day. The reason why the last day has dropped sharply is because it was the data in the middle of the day. milk_20200506_144854.png

Cumulative value of milk you have drank so far

Naturally, it is rising. It may be a natural graph, but moms and dads can feel relieved just by confirming that it is steadily rising. If the slope becomes gentle, are you feeling sick? You may notice. milk_20200506_144855.png


Growth may be seen by visualizing changes in the total sleep time and the average value of sleep time. I am drinking 60000ml = 60000g 80 days after birth. I gained 3500g for my child, so Most of 60000-3500 = 56500g seems to have been peeing and pooping.

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