On ubuntu, scilab, octave and R, sympy, etc.

(At the time of entering the entrance of winter) ** When winter comes, from Haruen ** (Take adversity positively)

ubuntu version uses ubuntu-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent



"Princess Daruma" is this beautification, or Akita people around 70 years old were in "Ejiko" when they were children.

It was used when I had to leave the house for a long time for farm work. Ash, straw, rice husks, seaweed, charcoal, etc. were spread on the bottom of the ediko so that it would be easy for infants to clean up even if they leaked it. In addition, it was wrapped and fixed with a futon or a piece of cloth so that it would not come out of the ediko. As a result, child-rearing in Ejiko hindered the growth of the lower body of the infant, delayed the start of walking, and was left in an unclean state for a long time. However, there was no choice but to live the family.



apt install scilab

apt install octave

apt install r-base

2)pip apt install pip

3) $ sudo pip install numpy

$ sudo pip install scipy

$ sudo pip install sympy

4) https://qiita.com/tyokai/items/d8494fbc8fca00453cd1 See also

  1. Transfer pdf to ubuntu from arch and print with ubuntu

It is supported by ubuntu but not supported by arch.

from arch to ubuntu
$ cat scpPro.bat 
ping -c 1 $x
scp $1  ubun2@$x

on ubuntu
# cat /etc/cups/printers.conf | grep Printer
# Printer configuration file for CUPS v2.3.3
NextPrinterId 2
<Printer prodesk-810AW>
PrinterId 1

After entering ubuntu with ssh from arch
./comment-out.bat print-pdf.bat 
lp -dprodesk-810AW $1
Print with

However https://qastack.jp/unix/83540/installing-a-deb-package-on-arch-is-it-possible according to Note that .deb files are just archives that can be decompressed on any system. Depending on the complexity of the installation process, it may be enough to "install". So

Arch dpkg exists..You should be able to install the packages in debarch, but you shouldn't use it instead of pacman, so use it only for some selected packages.
The default command looks like this:
# dpkg -i package.deb

Or listen

(For MX linux: Is this a debian system?)

apt install python3-pip

pip3 install numpy

Appendix 1) Coexistence with openbsd

I put ubuntu and openbsd in the same one nvme






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