python beginners tried to find out

I checked this and that

I tried to find out about the code used by python beginners

About Pillow

I checked because it is necessary to install pillow to upload images to the blog. A python library that is still under development (openCV for more advanced things) Various processing such as image color conversion and trimming can be performed

pip Used when installing a package. It feels like pip install ##

static_URL The code at the bottom of project name / The following URL is easy to understand

os.path() Module for using various functions that depend on os File and directory operations are possible os.path.join can join paths and filenames MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join (BASE_DIR,'media') joins BASE_DIR and media os.path.dirname () returns the specified path minus the filename

There is a project name in the folder name, and the app names are in parallel

project folder name ┗ project name ┗ app name

ImageFields Variables for handling image files in model

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