[RUBY] A story that confirmed the profile of Yasuko Sawaguchi 36 years ago

Memories of those days

Thirty-six years ago, the graphic function of JR-200 ([Wikipedia](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/JR_(%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%94%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF) # JR-200)) used a poor personal computer. I'm getting older (laughs). The number of programs published in personal computer magazines is limited, and I think that the graphic function often gave up due to the bottleneck even when trying to port from other models. A program about Yasuko Sawaguchi, who had just made her debut in a magazine called POPCOM (Wikipedia) at that time, was published, but I thought I gave up because I couldn't run it on my personal computer. In my memory, I thought it was a program that displayed Yasuko Sawaguchi's face on a computer graphic. For some reason, I was always worried about it, but I happened to see the magazine at Mercari and bought it. I remembered it on the cover and found it immediately. There was also a picture of the table of contents, so I was able to confirm the content of the article. The price was 3000 yen, which is about 6 times the price at that time. POPCOM.jpg

Actual article

When I opened the magazine I received, I remembered that time when I read the advertisements and articles, and I missed it very much. There was a feeling of alienation, as the manga explained the program of the world clock. And when I check Yasuko Sawaguchi's program, which is important, there are no graphic instructions at all, and they are almost PRINT and DATA statements. You can't count on old memories. If I did this, I could do it with JR-200 at all. Maybe. POPCOM.jpg

Source code

For the time being, I was curious about the content, so I rewrote it in Ruby, which seems easier than BASIC. I entered the DATA statement on my smartphone with the help of Google's character recognition. Is it aging 36 years ago? I think that I will post the source (I would appreciate it if you could point out the problem). If you would like to see Yasuko Sawaguchi's profile at that time, please try it. : Smile: For the time being, the environment that has been confirmed to work is as follows.


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
require 'nkf'

questions = [
  "Sain Gappi: ",
  "Shushinch: ",
  "Shincho,Taiju,B ・ W ・ H no size: ",
  "Ekigata,Sizer: ",
  "Kazokukousei: ",
  "Shumi: ",
  "Skina sports: ",
  "Toquina Kamok: ",
  "Skina Tabemono: ",
  "Ittemitai Kuni: ",
  "Skina Talent Musician: ",
  "Riso type no Dansei: ",
  "Kirina Type No Dansei: ",
  "Debuno Kicker: ",
  "Donna Onna Hitoni Natteiki Taika: ",
  "Skinairo: ",

data = [

ans = ""
data.each {|a|
  b = (300.0*Math.sin(a.to_f/10.0*3.1416/180.0)).to_i
  c = b.chr
  if c == '#'
    puts questions.shift, NKF.nkf("--oc=UTF-8 --ic=CP932", ans),
    ans = ""
  ans << c

Postscript (2021-01-18): Fixed the link not working properly. Thank you @scivola for your editing request !: bow:

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