The story of using circleci to build manylinux wheels

What is manylinux wheel

There is a wheel called manylinux that "works on almost all Linux distros". A wheel is a Python package that contains a compiled native library. In famous places, tensorflow distributes this many linux wheel. I will introduce circleci because it was the best for building this manylinux wheel.

Why circleci is suitable for creating manylinux wheels

--Artifact (wheel in my case) can be saved in CI service

So I'm building manylinux wheels on circleci.

Specifically, it is done like

In yml

- store_artifacts:
  path: /root/circle/wheelhouse

Is where you are doing it. As far as I know, I can't do this with travisci ** inside ** and I'm using circleci.

Since the wheel of manylinux is "works on almost all Linux" The operation test in this environment is not enough, and you may want to see the operation in multiple other distributions.

  - image:

Is CentOS6. (I won't explain why it's such an old version here.)

So for the time being, I want a place to put the package. That's where the Artifact save function comes in handy.

in conclusion

Yesterday [Osaka] CircleCI User Community Meetup # 2 helped everyone in the CircleCI Japan community and made me want to write this article. .. The community is important.

that's all.

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