Check heap usage with Java Flight Recorder

What I wanted to do was to use jcmd to get the jfr file on the web application server and check the heap usage status on jmc on my development PC (Windows).

Basic information

Conclusion (where it took time to resolve)

In order to record heap usage data in the jfr file, it is necessary to modify the profile and pass it as the settings parameter of jcmd. (It took me a long time to get there, probably because I wasn't looking for it.)


1. 1. Profile modification

Two types of profiles are stored below.

$ cd [JDK_PATH]/jre/lib/jfr
$ ll
-rw-r--r--1 root root 20109 October 6 22:55 default.jfc
-rw-r--r--1 root root 20065 October 6 22:55 profile.jfc

Copy profile.jfc (myProfile.jfc) and enable the part of the heap that seems to be related to data recording. I'm not sure if this is correct because I couldn't find a reference around here. (But it works.)

<!--From false to true around line 127-->
<flag name="heap-statistics-enabled" label="Heap Statistics">true</flag>

<!--From false to true around line 268-->
    <event path="vm/gc/detailed/object_count">
      <setting name="enabled" control="heap-statistics-enabled">true</setting>
      <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting>

2. Get jfr file

I will omit the detailed information, but the point is to specify the profile created earlier with the settings parameter.

jcmd [PID] JFR.start name=MyJfrRec settings=myProfile maxsize=100mb dumponexit=true filename=/tmp/myJfrRec.jfr

Check the recording status

jcmd [PID] JFR.check

Dump of recorded information

jcmd [PID] JFR.dump name=MyJfrRec filename=/tmp/mytasrec.jfr

End of recording

jcmd [PID] JFR.stop name=MyJfrRec

After that, if you load the acquired jfr file into jmc, the graph will come out with a good feeling.

[Site that I referred to]

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