[Java] Element existence check with Stream

There is no method called Stream # isEmpty, so I don't know how to write it best, so I write it in Qiita.

First of all, in normal times, I would write as follows.

        .anyMatch(Condition lambda expression or method reference);

But this time, how should I write if I just want to make a judgment like List # isEmpty for Stream? It is a story.

For example, I just want to judge whether there is a result in Stream that was returned by throwing a query in Doma2. May use.

As a result, I don't know the answer which is the best, but I write the pattern I thought about.

Always true with anyMatch

It may be a little scary at first glance.

	boolean notEmpty = stream()
			.anyMatch(e -> true);



Impression that you do not know what you want to do at a glance without explanatory variables.

	boolean notEmpty = stream()




	boolean notEmpty = stream()



NG because there is a lot of waste.

	boolean notEmpty = stream()
			.count() > 0;


Count to be 1 or 0

This is still better.

	//Still better
	boolean notEmpty = stream()
			.count() > 0;



This is also wasteful, so NG.

	boolean notEmpty = !stream()


Isn't the pattern of ʻIterator # hasNext good for efficiency? (Especially if used with Doma2) If I was in that scene, I would write it with ʻany Match (e-> true), which seems to be the easiest without thinking about anything.

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