General-purpose StringConverter class that utilizes generics in Java8

what's this

Operating environment

Contents of the class

	private static class StringConverter<T> {

		private static final List<StringConverter<?>> converters = Arrays.asList(
				new StringConverter<>(String.class, String::toString),
				new StringConverter<>(BigDecimal.class, BigDecimal::toPlainString),
				new StringConverter<>(Date.class, Date::toString)

		private final Class<T> clazz;
		private final Function<T, String> converter;

		static String convert(final Object object) {
			if(object == null){
				return null;
			return -> c.isApplicable(object)).map(c -> c.doConvert(object)).findFirst()
					.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected class:" + object.getClass().getName()));

		private StringConverter(final Class<T> clazz, final Function<T, String> converter) {
			this.clazz = clazz;
			this.converter = converter;

		private boolean isApplicable(final Object object) {
			return clazz.isInstance(object);

		private String doConvert(final Object object) {
			return converter.apply(clazz.cast(object));


How to use

I wrote it because I needed it, but I forgot what kind of situation it was because there was too much space.

String hoge = StringConverter<The class you want to convert(Please define it in converters)>.convert(obj);

After that, I didn't have a chance to use the generic type, so I wanted to use it.

I'm sorry if I made a lot of mistakes.

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