Python #inheritance (inheritance)

Python basics

Inheritance (inheritance)

Specify the name of the base class to inherit from with (). __init__ is a reserved word for Python. Variables are defined in self in __ init __.

class Say:
    def printHello(self, msg):

class SayHello (Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        super(SayHello, self).__init__()
        self.say = 'Hello' = 'World'

h = SayHello()
h.printHello(h.say + ',' +

Execution result

Hello World Hello,World

Multiple inheritance

You can create a new class with multiple classes as base classes. The order you specify is important because it means the priority that is called when you call a method that is common between base classes.

class Howareyou:
    def printmsg(self):
        print('How are you')

class Nicetometyou:
    def printmsg(self, target):
        print('Nice to meet you, ' +

class Say(Howareyou, Nicetomeetyou):

a = Howareyou()

b = Nicetomeetyou()

c = Say()
# c.printmsg ('Python') This will result in an error.

Execution result

How are you Nice to meet you, Python How are you

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