[Python] Class inheritance (super)

Class inheritance

As the name suggests, create a derived class that has the function of a base class.

Inheritance of one class

Here, the Warrior and Magician classes are simply created based on the Creature class. The ability is increased according to the initial level.

The status (self) function enumerates the parameters. (for test) __init__ is executed at the time of instantiation. In the Worrior and Magician classes, we have weapons and change occupation names.


class Creature(object):
    def __init__(self, level=1, weapon=None):
        self.level = level
        self.hp = 0
        self.mp = 0
        self.attack = 0
        self.defence = 0
        self.weapon = weapon
        self.job = "neet"

    def status(self):
        return "Job:{} | HP:{} | MP:{} | Atk:{} | Def:{} | Weapon:{}".format \
                (self.job, self.hp, self.mp, self.attack, self.defence, self.weapon)

class Warrior(Creature):
    def __init__(self, level):
        self.attack += 3 * level
        if self.weapon is None:
            self.weapon = "sword"
        if self.job == "neet":
            self.job = "Warrior"
        else: self.job += "Warrior"

class Magician(Creature):
    def __init__(self, level):
        self.mp += 4 * level
        if self.weapon is None:
            self.weapon = "rod"
        if self.job == "neet":
            self.job = "Magic"
        else: self.job += "Magic"

As shown below, the ability increases according to the level, and the status function of the base class can be used.


>>> print(Warrior(5).status())
Job:Warrior | HP:0 | MP:0 | Atk:15 | Def:0 | Weapon:sword
>>> print(Magician(5).status())
Job:Magic | HP:0 | MP:20 | Atk:0 | Def:0 | Weapon:rod

Multiple class inheritance

In the case of multiple classes, the same thing as before is almost the same.


class MagicWarrior(Warrior, Magician):
    def __init__(self, level):

class WarriorMagic(Magician, Warrior):
    def __init__(self, level):

Here, the point to note is, as you can see in the output below. When super () is used, the order in which __init__ is called is from the back. This order can be confirmed with mro ().


>>> print(MagicWarrior(5).status())
Job:MagicWarrior | HP:0 | MP:20 | Atk:15 | Def:0 | Weapon:rod
>>> print(WarriorMagic(5).status())
Job:WarriorMagic | HP:0 | MP:20 | Atk:15 | Def:0 | Weapon:sword
>>> WarriorMagic.mro()
[<class 'class_test.WarriorMagic'>, <class 'class_test.Magician'>, <class 'class_test.Warrior'>, <class 'class_test.Creature'>, <class 'object'>]

What happens if you don't use super

For example


class WarriorMagic(Magician, Warrior):
    def __init__(self, level):
        # super().__init__(level)
        Warrior.__init__(self, level)
        Magician.__init__(self, level)

At first glance, it looks the same, but the number of init calls is different. In this case, Warrior> Creature, Magician> Warrior> Creature I'm calling it like this.

When using super, Magician> Warrior> Creature And the number of calls is different.  Job:WarriorMagic | HP:0 | MP:20 | Atk:15 | Def:0 | Weapon:sword

Furthermore, if the base classes Warrior and Magician classes are also defined without using super


class Warrior(Creature):
    def __init__(self, level):
        # super().__init__(level)
        Creature.__init__(self, level)
        self.attack += 3 * level
        if self.weapon is None:
            self.weapon = "sword"
        if self.job == "neet":
            self.job = "Warrior"
        else: self.job += "Warrior"

class Magician(Creature):
    def __init__(self, level):
        # super().__init__(level)
        Creature.__init__(self, level)
        self.mp += 4 * level
        if self.weapon is None:
            self.weapon = "rod"
        if self.job == "neet":
            self.job = "Magic"
        else: self.job += "Magic"


Job:Magic | HP:0 | MP:20 | Atk:0 | Def:0 | Weapon:rod

By doing this, even though I gained abilities in the first Warrior, Since the second init was called by Magician, the parameters were initialized and only Magician's ability was assigned. As a result, it will be as below.

In the flow, Warrior > Creature, Magician > Creature As you can see, Creature is called twice, and unlike before, Warrior is not called the second time, so Worrior's init is not reflected. I have.


For the time being, basically use super when inheriting When using super, it is called from behind

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