Python class member scope summary

Python in Advent Calendar is depopulated, so I'll continue to write some simple material yesterday.

Here is a summary of the scopes of Python class members summarized earlier.

Specifically, how to write and access public members and methods, and how to write and access private members and methods.

# coding: utf-8

class Widget(object):

    def __init__(self, r, l):

        #Normal member variable
        self.rval = r
        self.lval = l

        #Private variables
        self.__secret = 5

    #public class member variable
    classVal = 30

    #Private class variables
    #It can only be accessed from the outside with a special description
    __SecretClassVal = 10

    #Normal method
    def Calc(self):
        #Member variables can be defined here as well. = 10
        return self.rval * self.lval *

    #Private method
    def __MyCalc(self):
        print "This is Private Method!"

    #Class method.
    def SelfName(cls):
        #Class member variables can be defined here as well.
        cls.number = 1

    #Private class method.
    def __PrivateSelfName(cls):
        print "This is Private Class Method!"

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #Calls to constructors and regular methods.
    w = Widget(2, 4)

    #Access to member variables
    w.lval = 3
    w.rval = 4

    #Access private member variables.
    #instance._name of the class__It can be accessed by variable name.(Not recommended)
    print w._Widget__secret

    #Access public class variables.
    #You can access either the instance name or the class name.
    print Widget.classVal
    print w.classVal

    #Access private class variables.
    #instance._name of the class__It can be accessed by variable name.(Not recommended)
    print w._Widget__SecretClassVal

    #Normal method call.
    print w.Calc()

    #Calling a private method(Not recommended)
    print w._Widget__MyCalc()

    #Calling a class method.

    #Calling a private class method(Not recommended)
    print w._Widget__PrivateSelfName()


 This is Private Method!
 This is Private Class Method!

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