[JAVA] The guy who tries-with-resources with kotlin

Sudden conclusion

Unfortunately kotlin doesn't have try-with-resources itself. Instead, there is ʻuse` as an equivalent function (strictly speaking, extension function: extension function).


try (OutputStream ost = Files.newOutputStream(path)) {
    FileCopyUtils.copy(inst, ost);
} catch (Exception e) {

This is ↓


try {
    Files.newOutputStream(path).use { ost ->
        FileCopyUtils.copy(inst, ost)
} catch (e: Exception) {

It will be like this.

Personally, if the content of ʻuse is one line, it is often written without line breaks like Files.newOutputStream (path) .use {ost-> FileCopyUtils.copy (inst, ost)} `. I like kotlin because it can be written more clearly than java.

In case of multiple resources

If you want to use multiple resources, you can chain ʻuse`.


try {
    Files.newOutputStream(path).use { ost ->
        Files.newInputStream(path).use { inst ->
            FileCopyUtils.copy(inst, ost)
} catch (e: Exception) {

If you chain too much, the nest will be deeper.


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