I made a Twitter bot with Python, but I couldn't see it with the log systemctl status
command output by the print function, so I'll remember the solution. I would be grateful if you could tell me if there is a better way.
CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core)
Description of Unit file in ʻetc \ systemd \ system \ `
Description=Python Tweet Collector
ExecStart=Executable file(Here is a shell script that launches a bot)Path
StandardOutput=journal #Make standard output visible in journalctl
StandardError=journal #Make standard errors visible in journalctl
It seems that the standard output of Python may be buffered and the output of the print statement may not be displayed with only the above settings ... So I wrote a shell script and started the bot from there
cd $(dirname $0) #Move to the directory where this file is located
. venv/bin/activate #Enable Python virtual environment
python -u bot.py # -Disable buffer with u option
Finally, grant execute permission to the shell script with chmod 744 start_bot.sh
Launch the bot
systemctl start bot.service
Check the status of the bot
systemctl status bot.service
Check the log
journalctl -u bot.service
You can see that the content output by the Python print statement is displayed in the log.
I am still a beginner about Linux, so I would be very grateful if you could teach me any suggestions or advice regarding inappropriate points.
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