What is ... (3 dots) found in the Java source? Variadic arguments to know from


I saw an argument of ... (3 dots) in the Java source.


    private static void printArgs(String description, Object... args) {
        for (Object object : args) {

... (three points) represent variadic arguments.

Variadic arguments can specify multiple arguments of the specified type.

Try to specify the argument

        //This is OK
        printArgs("One", "Multiple");
        //This is also OK
        printArgs("Two", "Multiple", "Designation");
        //This is also OK
        printArgs("Three", "Multiple", "Designation", true);
        //This is OK


Two:Multiple designation
Three:Multiple specifications true

Variadic arguments are like defining an array.

Compiling a variadic method produces an array.

After compilation

    public void methodName(String description, Object[] vars)
The contents of the method.

Variadic arguments can also be arrays.

You can also specify an array as an argument

//This is OK
methodName("Array", new int[]{1,2,3,4,5});
//Even this is OK
methodName("Array and one", new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "Multiple");

Variadic arguments have a rule of use.

** Do not overload with an array as an argument ** Reason: It will be the same when compiled

Do not overload with an array as an argument

    public void methodName(String description, Object... vars)
The contents of the method.
    public void methodName(String description, Object[] vars)
The contents of the method.

** Variadic argument must be specified at the end ** Reason: Maybe because you don't know how much is the value specified for the variadic argument

Variadic argument must be specified at the end

//I get a compile error in args, and in Eclipse I get this message:(Rough translation:Write the variadic argument at the end)
// 「The variable argument type Object of the method printArgs must be the last parameter」
    private static void printArgs2(Object... args, String description) {
The contents of the method.

** Only one variable length argument can be specified ** Reason: Maybe you don't know where the first one is, and the first variadic argument isn't specified at the end.

Only one variable length argument can be specified

//I get a compile error in args2, and in Eclipse I get this message:
// 「The variable argument type Object of the method printArgs must be the last parameter」
    private static void printArgs2(String description, String... args2, Object... args) {
The contents of the method.

//This will not result in a compile error
    private static void printArgs2(String description, String[] args2, Object... args) {
The contents of the method.


How to test private methods with arrays and variadic arguments in JUnit-Qiita

: sunny: Site explaining variadic arguments: sunny:

-Java Variadic Memo (Hishidama's Java VarArgs Memo) -[Java] Precautions when arranging variable-length argument parameters --Qiita

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