Create fractal shapes with python part1 (Sierpinski Gasket)

1. What is a fractal figure?

A fractal figure is the same as the original figure no matter how much it is enlarged. The Sierpinski Gasket, which is a typical fractal figure, is shown below. fractal1.gif

2. Creating a Sierpinski Gasket

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as pat
import math

#triangle = [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)]

#Output the coordinates of the triangle in the input triangle
def return_triangle(triangle):
    x1 = (triangle[0][0] + triangle[1][0])/2
    y1 = (triangle[0][1] + triangle[1][1])/2
    x2 = (triangle[1][0] + triangle[2][0])/2
    y2 = (triangle[1][1] + triangle[2][1])/2
    x3 = (triangle[2][0] + triangle[0][0])/2
    y3 = (triangle[2][1] + triangle[0][1])/2
    new_triangle = [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)]
    return new_triangle

#Output the distance between two points
def distance(p1,p2):
    return math.sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])**2 + (p1[1]-p2[1])**2)

#Outputs a triangle consisting of the two points closest to the point p at the points p and the triangle
def select_neighbor_points(p, triangle):
    distance1 = distance(p, triangle[0])
    distance2 = distance(p, triangle[1])
    distance3 = distance(p, triangle[2])
    if distance1 > distance2:
        if distance1 > distance3:
            return [p, triangle[1], triangle[2]]
            return [p, triangle[0], triangle[1]]
        if distance2 > distance3:
            return(p, triangle[0],triangle[2])
            return(p, triangle[0],triangle[1])
#Generate a fractal figure. The larger the number of iterations, the more complicated it becomes
def produce_fractal1(triangle, iteration):
    if iteration == 0: return 0
    p1 = triangle[0]
    p2 = triangle[1]
    p3 = triangle[2]
    new_triangle = return_triangle(triangle)
    p = pat.Polygon(xy = new_triangle,fc = "white", ec = "black")
    produce_fractal1(select_neighbor_points(p1,new_triangle), iteration-1)
    produce_fractal1(select_neighbor_points(p2,new_triangle), iteration-1)
    produce_fractal1(select_neighbor_points(p3,new_triangle), iteration-1)

triangle = [(0.2, 0.2), (0.8, 0.2), (0.5, 0.8)] #Coordinates of the initial triangle
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
p = pat.Polygon(xy = triangle,fc = "white", ec = "black")
fig.savefig("./fractal.png ") #Save image

It can be easily implemented by recursive processing. Execution was done by jupyter.


Increasing the number of iterations creates triangles deeper.

3. Summary

By implementing recursive processing well, we were able to create a Sierpinski Gasket. By changing the contents of recursive processing, we can create other fractal figures.

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