Use BMFont as the font for pyglet


I was able to incorporate BMFont into the font of pyglet, so I will publish it. Written in Python 3.5 It is unconfirmed whether it works with 2 systems.

What is BMFont?

Texture font creation software. Some other software can export in the same format, so it's a relatively major software.


The license should be the same as pyglet.

from xml.etree import ElementTree
import weakref

import pyglet
from pyglet import gl
from pyglet.font import base

class DummyGlyphRenderer(base.GlyphRenderer):
    def __init__(self, font):
        super(DummyGlyphRenderer, self).__init__(font)
        self.font = font
    def render(self, text):
        glyph = self.font.create_dummy_glyph()
        glyph.set_bearings(0, 0, 0)
        return glyph

class BMFont(base.Font):
    glyph_renderer_class = DummyGlyphRenderer
    def __init__(self, file_name):
        super(BMFont, self).__init__()
    def _setup(self, file_name):
        with pyglet.resource.file(file_name, mode="rb") as f:
            data =
        str_data = data.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
        root = ElementTree.fromstring(str_data)
        common = root.find("common")
        lineheight = int(common.attrib["lineHeight"])
        baseline = int(common.attrib["base"])
        scaleH = int(common.attrib["scaleH"])
        pages = int(common.attrib["pages"])
        self.ascent = baseline
        self.descent = -(lineheight - baseline)
        self.textures.extend([None] * pages)
        pages = root.find("pages")
        for page in pages:
            id_ = int(page.attrib["id"])
            file = page.attrib["file"]
            texture = pyglet.resource.texture(file)
            image_data = texture.get_image_data()
            texture = self.texture_class.create_for_size(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                texture.width, texture.height, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_NEAREST,
            texture.blit_into(image_data, 0, 0, 0)
            self.textures[id_] = texture
        chars = root.find("chars")
        for char in chars:
            key = chr(int(char.attrib["id"]))
            x = int(char.attrib["x"])
            y = int(char.attrib["y"])
            width = int(char.attrib["width"])
            height = int(char.attrib["height"])
            xoffset = int(char.attrib["xoffset"])
            yoffset = int(char.attrib["yoffset"])
            xadvance = int(char.attrib["xadvance"])
            page = int(char.attrib["page"])
            texture = self.textures[page]
            y = scaleH - height - y
            glyph = texture.get_region(x, y, width, height)
            bottom = baseline - yoffset - height
            glyph.set_bearings(-bottom, xoffset, xadvance)
            self.glyphs[key] = glyph
    def create_dummy_glyph(self):
        return self.textures[0].get_region(0, 0, 0, 0)

def load(name, size=None, bold=False, italic=False, dpi=None, file_name=None):
    assert name
    assert file_name
    if size is None:
        size = 12

    if dpi is None:
        dpi = 96
    shared_object_space = gl.current_context.object_space
    if not hasattr(shared_object_space, 'pyglet_font_font_cache'):
        shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_cache = \
        shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_hold = []
    font_cache = shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_cache
    font_hold = shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_hold
    descriptor = (name, size, bold, italic, dpi)
    if descriptor in font_cache:
        return font_cache[descriptor]
    font = BMFont(file_name) = name
    font.size = size
    font.bold = bold
    font.italic = italic
    font.dpi = dpi
    font_cache[descriptor] = font
    del font_hold[3:]
    font_hold.insert(0, font)
    return font

How to use

Save the above code as in a suitable location. Prepare a font created with BMFont and Set the font name to be registered and the .fnt file.


import bmfont
font = bmfont.load("myfont", file_name="font.fnt")

After that, specify the normally registered font name and use it. Label or Document.


label = pyglet.text.Label("Hello World!", "myfont", x=10, y=10)

document = pyglet.text.decode_text("Hello world!")
document.set_style(0, len(document.text), {
    "font_name": "myfont",
    "color": (255, 255, 255, 255),
layout = pyglet.text.layout.TextLayout(document, 200, 200)

Various precautions

Compare with pyglet font

I can use the ttf font in pyglet, but it looks a little blurry, so I think this is better if you want to display it clearly. 2016-09-27_14h52_55.png However, it is troublesome to recreate the texture font every time you add characters.

at the end

It was easier to incorporate than I expected, so I thought it was as if I was expecting to use BMFont.

The font used was borrowed from the following site.

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