[JAVA] Check if Ethereum transactions are not included in the block

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I wrote an article that uses web3j to publish a signed transaction, but that way the transaction wasn't populated into the block.

Send signed transaction using Web3j

I will leave the correction method including the confirmation method.

Check transaction pool

Check "txpool" in geth's JavaScript console.

> txpool
  content: {
    pending: {
      0x945Cd603A6754cB13C3D61d8fe240990f86f9f8A: {
        19: {...}
    queued: {
      0x66B4e7bE902300F9a15D900822Bbd8803Be87391: {
        1: {...},
        100: {...},
        5: {...}
      0x945Cd603A6754cB13C3D61d8fe240990f86f9f8A: {
        100: {...}
  inspect: {
    pending: {
      0x945Cd603A6754cB13C3D61d8fe240990f86f9f8A: {
        19: "0xf5ad7542173e8944D1aE16B4394eAA34cfdA4814: 0 wei + 200000 gas × 500 wei"
    queued: {
      0x66B4e7bE902300F9a15D900822Bbd8803Be87391: {
        1: "0x945Cd603A6754cB13C3D61d8fe240990f86f9f8A: 0 wei + 4712388 gas × 100 wei",
        100: "0x945Cd603A6754cB13C3D61d8fe240990f86f9f8A: 0 wei + 4712388 gas × 100 wei",
        5: "0x945Cd603A6754cB13C3D61d8fe240990f86f9f8A: 0 wei + 4712388 gas × 100 wei"
      0x945Cd603A6754cB13C3D61d8fe240990f86f9f8A: {
        100: "0x66B4e7bE902300F9a15D900822Bbd8803Be87391: 1000000000000000 wei + 200000 gas × 100 wei"
  status: {
    pending: 1,
    queued: 4
  getContent: function(callback),
  getInspect: function(callback),
  getStatus: function(callback)

The point here is "queued". When a transaction is created, it goes into queued, various checks such as signature check are performed, and if there is no problem with the check, it moves to "pending" and waits for it to be stored in the block.

It was explained in detail on this site. About Ethereum's Pending Transaction and Transaction Pool

How to send a signed transaction using Web3j

Send signed transaction using Web3j I modified the sendSignedTransaction I wrote in this article.


  public TransactionReceipt sendSignedTransaction(Credentials credentials, String password, String toAddress) {

      TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
      try {
        //Get nonce value
        EthGetTransactionCount ethTransactionCount =
            web3j.ethGetTransactionCount(credentials.getAddress(), DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING).send();
        BigInteger nonce = ethTransactionCount.getTransactionCount();

        // "eth_sendTransaction"Create an object to pass to the argument of
        RawTransaction rawTransaction = RawTransaction.createEtherTransaction(
            nonce,                        // nonce
            BigInteger.valueOf(100),     // gasPrice
            BigInteger.valueOf(4712388), // gasLimit
            toAddress,                    // to
            BigInteger.valueOf(1010000)  // value

        //Sign transaction
        byte[] signedMessage = TransactionEncoder.signMessage(rawTransaction, credentials);
        String hexValue = Numeric.toHexString(signedMessage);

        EthSendTransaction ethSendTransaction = web3j.ethSendRawTransaction(hexValue).send();
        String transactionHash = ethSendTransaction.getTransactionHash();

        //Send transaction
        Optional<TransactionReceipt> transactionReceipt = null;
        int retry = 0;

        if(transactionHash != null) {
          do {
            System.out.printf("%3d checking if transaction " + transactionHash + " is mined....\n" ,retry);
            EthGetTransactionReceipt ethGetTransactionReceiptResp = web3j.ethGetTransactionReceipt(transactionHash).send();
            transactionReceipt = ethGetTransactionReceiptResp.getTransactionReceipt();

          }while(!transactionReceipt.isPresent() && retry < 100);
        } else {
          System.out.println("Transaction Send failed...");
          System.out.println("Message:" + ethSendTransaction.getError().getMessage());
          System.out.println("Data   :" + ethSendTransaction.getError().getData());
      }catch(IOException | InterruptedException ex) {
      }catch(Exception ex) {
    return receipt;

The mistake was that the nonce value set in RawTransaction was a fixed value, so it was caught in the transaction check process and remained in the queued.

I checked the transaction information immediately after sending the Raw Transaction.

INFO [09-17|20:52:21.455] Submitted transaction                    fullhash=0x84b89a096fcb1a5381319cf08348f633ebe2dc2ef93ba48b0c05d5b460110970 recipient=0x66B4e7bE902300F9a15D900822Bbd8803Be87391
> eth.getTransaction("0x84b89a096fcb1a5381319cf08348f633ebe2dc2ef93ba48b0c05d5b460110970")
  blockHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  blockNumber: null,
  from: "0x945cd603a6754cb13c3d61d8fe240990f86f9f8a",
  gas: 4712388,
  gasPrice: 100,
  hash: "0x84b89a096fcb1a5381319cf08348f633ebe2dc2ef93ba48b0c05d5b460110970",
  input: "0x",
  nonce: 24,
  r: "0xd6bb90deea18af081795bc335c3323389c830721d5d7db54f6ef6c19f3425358",
  s: "0x4e99740c21f5ef2f3debafcff0256340dfff07e00a86801eb90d72804439d602",
  to: "0x66b4e7be902300f9a15d900822bbd8803be87391",
  transactionIndex: 0,
  v: "0x1c",
  value: 1010000
> txpool.status
  pending: 1,
  queued: 0

Transactions have accumulated in pending. I checked it even after mining.

> eth.getTransaction("0x84b89a096fcb1a5381319cf08348f633ebe2dc2ef93ba48b0c05d5b460110970")
  blockHash: "0x3a150aebfffbe81804f4d5b193e3a22aea79654c3bd5c53d2a3df8d7d8417c34",
  blockNumber: 3066,
  from: "0x945cd603a6754cb13c3d61d8fe240990f86f9f8a",
  gas: 4712388,
  gasPrice: 100,
  hash: "0x84b89a096fcb1a5381319cf08348f633ebe2dc2ef93ba48b0c05d5b460110970",
  input: "0x",
  nonce: 24,
  r: "0xd6bb90deea18af081795bc335c3323389c830721d5d7db54f6ef6c19f3425358",
  s: "0x4e99740c21f5ef2f3debafcff0256340dfff07e00a86801eb90d72804439d602",
  to: "0x66b4e7be902300f9a15d900822bbd8803be87391",
  transactionIndex: 0,
  v: "0x1c",
  value: 1010000

> txpool.status
  pending: 0,
  queued: 0

Stored in a block and pending changed to 0.


I realized that it is necessary to accurately understand the contents to be set in the transaction and the flow from the creation of the transaction to the inclusion in the block.

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