I used bugspots, a bug prediction tool in mercurial

  1. I had a lot of trouble installing mercurial for the python module (Thanks to Takano-san!) http://qiita.com/items/1714

  2. Borrow the source here http://d.hatena.ne.jp/karronoli/20120109#1326111368

In the comments in the commit log'fix(es|ed)?|close(s|d)?'A commit that hits a regular expression in is considered a bug fix. If you leave the comment in Japanese, you may say "correct". As you can see by reading, an error will occur if the corresponding character string is not hit.

  1. Reason http://www.publickey1.jp/blog/11/post_193.html

In other words, the more frequently you fix bugs and the more recently you focus on fixing them, the higher your score. And the higher the score, the more likely it is that the code is buggy in relative terms, as the algorithm shows.

  1. Output result $python bugspots.py ~/test ['server/main.py: 0.000006', 'server/foo.py: 0.000006', 'server/bar.py: 0.000006', 'bugspots.py: 0.000006']

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