I made a browser automatic stamping tool.

What i made

My company manages attendance with a web application. (salesforce) The flow is "when you go to work, open the web page, log in, and press the go / leave button". I have created a script that will do this series of steps fully automatically. I referred to the following. http://qiita.com/socket1016/items/fdcc454e4ffe70a07507 Please carry out the above as it is when downloading the browser startup tool. The source is here.

Time-consuming part

How to press the button in the iframe was very difficult. It seems that the focus must be transferred to the iframe in order to manipulate the DOM in the iframe. See Source for details.

Easy to launch scripts

  1. Open a terminal (windows is command line?)
  2. Move to the location of the script file
  3. Enter the python3 file name

The above 3 steps are required to start the script. It's annoying, so let's create an alias for the python3 filename (absolute path). The method of creating an alias differs depending on the OS, so please check it out. I think you will find it soon.

Try to make

I learned a lot. It was my first time to create an alias, and I was deeply moved that I finally made something like a programmer. I just started studying python and created it during work, so please forgive me that the source is dirty ... We look forward to your suggestions for refactoring! !!

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