Error in rsync to mount.cifs shared folder: File exists (17)

It will be resolved soon, and it seems that it will not occur in recent environments, so the expiration date is short.


An error occurred in rsync to the Windows shared folder mounted on the Ubuntu server. Occurs from around August 17, 2020 (after updating the kernel).

rsync: rename "/path/to/.file.XXXXXX" -> "file": File exists (17)


--Server - Ubuntu 16.04.07 - kernel: linux-image-4.4.0-187-generic


I arrived at here.

--Error when overwriting from temporary file during rsync: File exists (17) --Failed to overwrite when B of mv A B exists: File exists --Occurs only with SMB 1.0

It was a bug.


Since mount.cifs was the environment where vers = 1.0 by default, it was solved by adding vers = 3.0. It seems that the default is 2.1 in recent OS. In an environment where only vers = 1.0 can be used, restore it or wait for a fix.

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