How to drop Google Docs in one folder in a .txt file with python

things to do

There is a folder called some_folder in Google Drive, Suppose you have a Google Docs file in your folder like ↓ Create a Python program that drops all of these doc1, doc2, ... in .txt format

└ doc1
└ doc2
└ doc3
└ ...

Use a Google Drive API wrapper package called PyDrive

: warning: No error handling when there are files other than Google Docs (SpreadSheet or PDF) in the folder

1. Environment construction

Download Drive API access key

Drop the access key json from here Press the blue button in the image below and it's ok


Change the file name of the access key

File name credentials.jsonclient_secret.json Change to

Reason: The PyDrive package looks for an access key file with the name client_secret.json

Insert the PyDrive package

Enter with pip or pip3

#pip person
pip install PyDrive

#pip3 person
pip3 install PyDrive


--Package site: --Documentation:

2. Get the Google Drive folder ID

You can find the folder ID from the URL when you open the Google Drive folder in your browser.

The URL has a format like ↑, and the xxx part is the folder ID.

3. Write code

Paste this and put the ID of the folder you got in 2 in the code FOLDER_ID

: warning: Put the program in the same directory as the client_secret.json in 1.

from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
from import GoogleDrive


gauth = GoogleAuth()

drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)

#Download the file

file_list = drive.ListFile(
    {'q': "'FOLDER_ID' in parents and trashed=false"}).GetList()
for file in file_list:
    title = file['title']
    file.GetContentFile(f'{title}.txt', mimetype='text/plain')
    print(f'downloading file: {title}')

4. Run

Please run the program either

#python command person

#python3 command person

When you run it, a browser tab will open, so please authenticate with your Google account. The downloaded file will be in the same directory as the program

End: tada:

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