How to check in Python if one of the elements of a list is in another list

As the title suggests, there may be occasions when you want to check if one of the elements in one list is in another. In my case, I needed it when solving the CheckiO problem, but I think I will have the opportunity to use it in practice.

When I searched for what happened, [This Stack Overflow article]( -exists-in-another-list) I will introduce the method because it was organized.

Thing you want to do

The goal is to create a function that has one list a and another list b, and returns True if one of the elements in list a is in list b, False if it doesn't.

Example list that returns True

a = ['A', 'B']
b = ['B', 'C', 'D']

True because'B' in list a exists in list b

Example list that returns False

a = ['A', 'B']
b = ['C', 'D', 'E']

False because neither'A'and'B' in list a are in list b


Method 1: Use any () and a generator expression

def func1(a, b):
    return any(i in b for i in a)

This is a method using any () and a generator expression. Use for i in a to extract the elements i one by one, and use ʻi in b` to check if the element i exists in b. Since it uses a generator, it returns True when it knows it exists.

Method 2: Use the intersection of set

def func2(a, b):
    len(set(a) & set(b)) != 0

This is a method of converting a and b into a set and checking if they have an intersection. It's pretty easy to read.

Method 3: Use isdisjoint ()

def func3(a, b):
    return not set(a).isdisjoint(b)

Use isdisjoint (), which is the opposite of method 2 and returns True if it has no intersection. Personally, I don't like not.


So far, I've summarized how to check if one of the elements in one list is in another.

I haven't compared the performance, but I think it's a good idea to choose the one that suits you while considering readability.


python - one-liner to check if at least one item in list exists in another list? - Stack Overflow

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