[Golang] Check if a specific character string is included in the character string


Make a note of how to check if a variable like the one below contains a particular string

package main

func main(){
  str := "abcde"

Basically you will use the strings package, but there are two ways


It is a method to check the character number of a specific character string, but if the specific character string is not included, it returns -1, so use that.

package main

import (

func main(){
  str := "abcde"
  fmt.Print(strings.Index(str, "fg"))


I introduced strings.Index, but I think that I will basically use this because it will be returned as a bool.

package main

import (

func main(){
  str := "abcde"
  fmt.Print(strings.Contains(str, "fg"))
  //Result: false

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