Find the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of any number of integers in Ruby

To get the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of the integers ʻaandb` in Ruby, Integer # gcd, respectively. /i/gcd.html), Integer # lcm

#Greatest common divisor (GCD: Greatest Common Divisor)

#Least common multiple (LCM: Least Common Multiplier)

To do.

For example, the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of 4 and 6 are

puts 4.gcd(6) # => 2
puts 4.lcm(6) # => 12

And so on.

Then, what are the greatest common divisors and least common multiples of the three integers ʻa, b, and c`? Since the greatest common divisor of $ a $, $ b $, and $ c $ is "the greatest common divisor of $ a $ and $ b $" and the greatest common divisor of $ c $.


Obtained at. The same applies to the least common multiple,


Obtained at.

So what if a set of integers was given as an array? You can write as follows.

numbers = [30, 20, 15]

#Greatest common divisor
puts numbers.inject(:gcd) # => 5

#Least common multiple
puts numbers.inject(:lcm) # => 60

Enumerable # inject had a usage to give a symbol without giving a block.

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