git / python> analyse git log (v0.1, v0.2)> calculer le temps de travail total en minutes à partir de git log

Something suddenly occurred to me that we can calculate total working time from git log by and large.

To do so, and to study python, I tried to make a python script.

Program v0.1 @ github v0.2 @ github

How to use

~~Firstly, you need to create tmp.log file by git log command at the repository you want to investigate.~~

In version v0.2 and later, you do not need to run git log command. Instead, the script automatically make tmp.log file.

$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %ad %s' --date=iso > tmp.log

Then, you can obtain the total working time by the script:

$ ./

The output is as follows. The last line includes the total working time in minutes (e.g. 764).

2015-11-13 21:11:06 801 750 # sec, min
2015-11-13 12:53:26 29860 750 # sec, min
2015-11-13 12:44:36 530 758 # sec, min
2015-11-13 12:37:53 403 764 # sec, min
2015-11-13 07:12:08 19545 764 # sec, min

Uncertainty in the calculation

The script takes the elapsing time more than and equal to 4 hours as zero. This is for my case. The user can modify according to their commiting style.

def calcElapsedTimeInMinutes(diff_sec):
    diff_min = diff_sec / 60
    diff_hr = diff_min / 60
    if diff_hr >= 4:
        return 0
        return diff_min

The script only takes the two datetime difference. Therefore, there might have the various uncertainties including:

Link Related (in Japanese)

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