Installez MAV Proxy sur Ubuntu 18.04.
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-opencv python-wxgtk4.0 python-pip python-matplotlib python-lxml python-pygame
$ pip install PyYAML mavproxy --user
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
--Connectez-vous via USB
$ --master=/dev/ttyACM0
WARNING: You should uninstall ModemManager as it conflicts with APM and Pixhawk
Connect /dev/ttyACM0 source_system=255
Log Directory:
Telemetry log: mav.tlog
Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyACM0
MAV> online system 1
fence breach
Received 722 parameters
Saved 723 parameters to mav.parm
--Connectez-vous via le réseau
$ --master=udp:
WARNING: You should uninstall ModemManager as it conflicts with APM and Pixhawk
Connect udp: source_system=255
Log Directory:
Telemetry log: mav.tlog
Waiting for heartbeat from
MAV> link 1 down
$ --master=tcp:
WARNING: You should uninstall ModemManager as it conflicts with APM and Pixhawk
Connect tcp: source_system=255
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
[Errno 111] Connection refused sleeping
Failed to connect to tcp: : [Errno 111] Connection refused
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