Le brevet le plus cité au monde


Depuis que les vacances ont commencé, je voulais faire une analyse urgente, alors je me suis demandé quel document de brevet avait le plus grand nombre de citations au monde.

SQL dans BigQuery

Pour la première fois dans l'apprentissage en ligne, j'ai appris que SQL est prononcé comme grinçant. ..

La difficulté était de savoir comment créer un nombre total de citations et de déduplication (en excluant le fait d'être utilisé plusieurs fois pour des raisons de refus de la même application) et comment créer un modèle de nombre de citations, et comme BigQuery ne contient que des informations de citation, il est cité La partie qui génère des informations (sens inverse). C'est un peu compliqué, mais cela ressemble à ce qui suit.


SQL pour la population </ résumé>

WITH bibtable as (
    pub.application_number AS appnum,
    pub.publication_number AS pubnum,
    pub.filing_date as appday,
    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(applicants.name)) AS applicants ,
    SUBSTR(STRING_AGG(ipcs.code),0,1) AS ipc4,
    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(title.text)) AS title
  FROM `patents-public-data.patents.publications_201912` AS pub,
     UNNEST(title_localized) AS title,
     UNNEST(assignee_harmonized) as applicants,
     UNNEST(ipc) as ipcs
     GROUP BY appnum,pubnum,appday

  SUBSTR(pubnum,0,2) AS appcountry,
  SUBSTR(STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(CAST(bibtable.appday AS STRING))),0,4) AS appyear,
  COUNT(main.application_number) AS total_cit_count,
  COUNT(DISTINCT(main.family_id)) AS unique_cit_count,
  STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(title)) AS titles,
  STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(applicants)) AS applicants,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'A' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_A,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'B' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_B,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'C' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_C,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'D' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_D,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'E' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_E,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'F' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_F,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'G' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_G,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'H' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_H,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'US' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as US,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'JP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as JP,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'EP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as EP,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'KR' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as KR,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'CN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CN,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'WO' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as WO
  `patents-public-data.patents.publications_201912` as main,
  UNNEST(main.citation) AS cit,
  UNNEST(main.ipc) AS ipcs
LEFT JOIN bibtable
  ON cit.publication_number = bibtable.pubnum
WHERE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) IN ('US','JP','EP','CN','KR','WO') AND pubnum IS NOT NULL AND ipcs.first = TRUE
GROUP BY appnum,pubnum
ORDER BY total_cit_count DESC,pubnum DESC

Version spécifique à SQL pour la population: ARRAY_AGG et STRUCT peuvent être plus propres
WITH bibtable as (
    pub.application_number AS appnum,
    pub.publication_number AS pubnum,
    pub.filing_date as appday,
    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(applicants.name)) AS applicants ,
    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(title.text)) AS texts,
    SUBSTR(STRING_AGG(ipcs.code),0,1) AS ipc4,
    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(title.text)) AS title
  FROM `patents-public-data.patents.publications_201912` AS pub,
     UNNEST(title_localized) AS title,
     UNNEST(assignee_harmonized) as applicants,
     UNNEST(ipc) as ipcs
     GROUP BY appnum,pubnum,appday

  SUBSTR(bibtable.pubnum,0,2) AS appcountry,
  SUBSTR(STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(CAST(bibtable.appday AS STRING))),0,4) AS appyear,
  #STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(cit.application_number)) as appnum,
  #STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(cit.type)) AS cit_type,
  COUNT(main.application_number) AS total_cit_count,
  COUNT(DISTINCT(main.family_id)) AS unique_cit_count,
  STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(title)) AS titles,
  STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(applicants)) AS applicants,
  ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) AS ipc_sec,
                   SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) AS cc,
                   SUBSTR(CAST(main.filing_date AS STRING),0,4) AS year,
            ) AS fcit,
  `patents-public-data.patents.publications_201912` as main,
  UNNEST(main.citation) AS cit,
  UNNEST(main.ipc) AS ipcs,
  UNNEST(main.assignee) AS appls
LEFT JOIN bibtable
  ON cit.publication_number = bibtable.pubnum
WHERE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) IN ('US','JP','EP','CN','KR','WO') AND pubnum IS NOT NULL AND ipcs.first = TRUE
GROUP BY appnum,pubnum
ORDER BY total_cit_count DESC,pubnum DESC

0. Résultat de sortie (10 premiers)

Le temps d'exécution est d'environ 5 minutes. Au total, 30 262 060 documents ont été extraits. Voici les 10 temps les plus cités.

  • "IPC_ ~" à la fin de la colonne est le nombre de sections IPC à partir desquelles le document est cité (nombre de fois), et le nom du pays est le numéro à partir duquel la demande est citée (nombre de fois).
Row pubnum appcountry appyear total_cit_count unique_cit_count ipcs titles applicants IPC_A IPC_B IPC_C IPC_D IPC_E IPC_F IPC_G IPC_H US JP EP KR CN WO
1 US-4683202-A US 1985 8996 4766 C Process for amplifying nucleic acid sequences CETUS CORP 1602 148 6116 13 1 12 1083 21 5542 0 1701 1 1 1751
2 US-4816567-A US 1983 8668 4748 C Recombinant immunoglobin preparations GENENTECH INC 3319 27 4354 8 0 3 954 3 4387 0 1878 0 1 2402
3 US-4683195-A US 1986 7174 3763 C Process for amplifying, detecting, and/or-cloning nucleic acid sequences CETUS CORP 1115 154 4853 1 1 11 1021 18 4593 0 1355 1 1 1224
4 US-5223409-A US 1991 4956 2523 C Directed evolution of novel binding proteins PROTEIN ENG CORP 1598 17 2833 10 0 2 493 3 2629 2 1092 1 0 1232
5 US-5523520-A US 1994 4759 3761 C Mutant dwarfism gene of petunia GOLDSMITH SEEDS INC 4585 1 162 0 2 1 5 3 4759 0 0 0 0 0
6 US-4946778-A US 1989 4657 2474 C Single polypeptide chain binding molecules GENEX CORP 1655 9 2436 1 0 1 554 1 2521 1 1146 1 0 988
7 US-5585089-A US 1995 4604 2520 A Humanized immunoglobulins PROTEIN DESIGN LABS INC 1829 38 2306 0 0 1 430 0 2337 1 976 0 2 1288
8 US-5530101-A US 1990 4036 1987 A Humanized immunoglobulins PROTEIN DESIGN LABS INC 1776 9 1920 0 0 1 330 0 2564 2 672 0 4 794
9 US-5892900-A US 1996 4035 1944 G Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection INTERTRUST TECH CORP 53 26 3 0 1 1 2886 1065 3955 2 19 4 29 26
10 US-2003189401-A1 US 2003 3849 1958 C Organic electroluminescent device INT MFG & ENG SERVICES CO LTD 2 14 33 1 1 6 759 3033 3820 1 16 3 1 8

Le numéro un mondial est US4683202A "Procédé pour amplifier des séquences d'acide nucléique". Est-ce une application bio? La deuxième place est comme ça.

Enregistrez les résultats sous forme de table BigQuery. Appelez bigquery depuis pythono et essayez de visualiser le résultat avec des pandas.


1. Entier

Répartition du nombre de citations

  • Pour le moment, un histogramme. <détails> code </ summary>
from google.cloud import bigquery
project_id = '~~~~~'
client = bigquery.Client(project=project_id)

query =  """
                SELECT total_cit_count,count(*) AS fcit_count
                FROM `bqml_tutorial.fcitdata`
                GROUP BY total_cit_count
                ORDER BY total_cit_count DESC
#Recevez chez les pandas.
df_count_fcit = client.query(query).to_dataframe()


import plotly.express as px

En regardant cela, je crains qu'il n'y ait une montagne pour 3000 fois, plutôt que d'être doux dans l'ordre du nombre de citations. Cette tendance est la même dans l'histogramme du nombre de citations sans duplication (il y a une montagne pour 1800 fois).


Répartition des âges cités


code </ summary>

#La partie pour obtenir les données dans le dataframe est uniquement le changement de nom de colonne, donc il est omis.
fig = px.bar(df_count_fcit[df_count_fcit['appyear'].astype(int)>1990],x='appyear',y='count')


Dans quel pays l'application est la plus citée?


code </ summary>

SELECT appcountry,SUM(unique_cit_count) AS count
FROM `bqml_tutorial.fcitdata`
GROUP BY appcountry
fig = px.bar(df_count_fcit[0:10].sort_values(by='count'),y='appcountry',x='count',orientation='h',text='count')

newplot (34).png

Candidats avec de nombreuses citations

  • Veuillez noter que le nom n'est pas identifié. Le nombre de systèmes électriques augmente proportionnellement au nombre d'applications.


code </ summary>

SELECT applicants,COUNT(*) AS count
FROM `bqml_tutorial.fcitdata`
GROUP BY applicants
fig = px.bar(df_count_fcit[0:10].sort_values(by='count'),y='applicants',x='count',orientation='h',text='count')

newplot (35).png

2. Par domaine technique

  • Les brevets du monde entier reçoivent une [classification technique] appelée IPC (classification internationale des brevets) (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E9%9A%9B] % E7% 89% B9% E8% A8% B1% E5% 88% 86% E9% A1% 9E). Les demandes avec le plus grand nombre de citations sont extraites pour chaque section (et la première IPC) qui est la plus grande catégorie. Il existe des classifications étranges autres que A-H, mais c'est amusant de voir des applications dans chaque domaine.


code </ summary>

    row_number() over (partition by ipcs order by unique_cit_count DESC) AS rank,
  FROM `bqml_tutorial.fcitdata`
  GROUP BY ipcs,pubnum,total_cit_count,unique_cit_count,titles,applicants
WHERE rank <= 5

Presque nous <détails>

Liste </ summary>

section rank pubnum total_cit_count unique_cit_count applicants titles
A 1 US-5585089-A 4604 2520 PROTEIN DESIGN LABS INC Humanized immunoglobulins
A 2 US-5530101-A 4036 1987 PROTEIN DESIGN LABS INC Humanized immunoglobulins
A 3 US-4658085-A 2222 1829 UNIV GUELPH Hybridization using cytoplasmic male sterility, cytoplasmic herbicide tolerance, and herbicide tolerance from nuclear genes
A 4 US-5693762-A 3455 1822 PROTEIN DESIGN LABS INC Humanized immunoglobulins
A 5 US-5569825-A 3082 1730 GENPHARM INT Transgenic non-human animals capable of producing heterologous antibodies of various isotypes
B 1 US-2006113549-A1 3391 1756 TOKYO INST TECH Light-emitting device
B 2 US-2010092800-A1 3150 1678 CANON KK Substrate for growing wurtzite type crystal and method for manufacturing the same and semiconductor device
B 3 US-6336137-B1 1505 940 SIEBEL SYSTEMS INC Web client-server system and method for incompatible page markup and presentation languages
B 4 US-4723129-A 1489 928 CANON KK Bubble jet recording method and apparatus in which a heating element generates bubbles in a liquid flow path to project droplets
B 5 US-6766817-B2 1856 908 TUBARC TECHNOLOGIES LLC Fluid conduction utilizing a reversible unsaturated siphon with tubarc porosity action
C 1 US-4683202-A 8996 4766 CETUS CORP Process for amplifying nucleic acid sequences
C 2 US-4816567-A 8668 4748 GENENTECH INC Recombinant immunoglobin preparations
C 3 US-4683195-A 7174 3763 CETUS CORP Process for amplifying, detecting, and/or-cloning nucleic acid sequences
C 4 US-5523520-A 4759 3761 GOLDSMITH SEEDS INC Mutant dwarfism gene of petunia
C 5 US-5223409-A 4956 2523 PROTEIN ENG CORP Directed evolution of novel binding proteins
D 1 US-3849241-A 1577 926 EXXON RESEARCH ENGINEERING CO Non-woven mats by melt blowing
D 2 US-4340563-A 1491 906 KIMBERLY CLARK CO Method for forming nonwoven webs
D 3 US-3802817-A 1282 805 ASAHI CHEMICAL IND Apparatus for producing non-woven fleeces
D 4 US-3692618-A 1236 802 METALLGESELLSCHAFT AG Continuous filament nonwoven web
D 5 US-4100324-A 1344 775 KIMBERLY CLARK CO Nonwoven fabric and method of producing same
e 1 US-7174579-B1 23 13 BAUZA PEDRO Temperature display system
E 1 US-4902508-A 1159 493 PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION Tissue graft composition
E 2 CN-201962688-U 392 391 FIRST ENGINEERING COMPANY OF CCCC FOURTH HARBOR ENGINEERING CO LTD Diaphram wall wharf pile foundation structure,Connexion souterraine 续 墙 头 桩 桀 structure
E 3 US-5809415-A 720 352 OPENWAVE SYS INC Method and architecture for an interactive two-way data communication network
E 4 US-5445304-A 709 312 UNITED STATES SURGICAL CORP Safety device for a surgical stapler cartridge
E 5 US-7098794-B2 618 279 KIMBERLY CLARK CO Deactivating a data tag for user privacy or tamper-evident packaging
F 1 US-7213940-B1 917 506 LED LIGHTING FIXTURES INC Lighting device and lighting method
F 2 US-5037397-A 895 384 MEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC Universal clamp
F 3 US-2010327766-A1 611 378 LEVINE DAVID B,RECKER MICHAEL V Wireless emergency lighting system
F 4 US-6577073-B2 569 367 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC IND CO LTD Led lamp
F 5 US-6432098-B1 661 361 PROCTER & GAMBLE Absorbent article fastening device
G 1 US-5892900-A 4035 1944 INTERTRUST TECH CORP Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection
G 2 US-2007194379-A1 3592 1833 JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH AGENCY Amorphous Oxide And Thin Film Transistor
G 3 US-5731856-A 3571 1795 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO LTD Methods for forming liquid crystal displays including thin film transistors and gate pads having a particular structure
G 4 US-2006208977-A1 3373 1746 SEMICONDUCTOR ENERGY LAB Semiconductor device, and display device, driving method and electronic apparatus thereof
G 5 US-2009280600-A1 3163 1727 JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH AGENCY Amorphous oxide and thin film transistor
H 1 US-2006244107-A1 3493 1844 SUGIHARA TOSHINORI,KAWASAKI MASASHI,OHNO HIDEO Semiconductor device, manufacturing method, and electronic device
H 2 US-7674650-B2 3529 1837 SEMICONDUCTOR ENERGY LAB Semiconductor device and manufacturing method thereof
H 3 US-2006108636-A1 3475 1777 TOKYO INST TECH Amorphous oxide and field effect transistor
H 4 US-7061014-B2 3500 1776 JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH AGENCY Natural-superlattice homologous single crystal thin film, method for preparation thereof, and device using said single crystal thin film
H 5 US-6294274-B1 3391 1771 TDK CORP,KAWAZOE HIROSHI
J 1 US-7693341-B2 36 25 APPLE INC Workflows for color correcting images
J 2 US-7847532-B2 20 13 ASTEC INT LTD Centralized controller and power manager for on-board power systems
J 3 US-7364473-B2 11 7 FUJITSU LTD Connector for electronic device
J 4 US-7239379-B2 1 1 TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS LLC Method and apparatus for determining a vertical intensity profile through a plane of focus in a confocal microscope
K 1 US-7208984-B1 18 9 LINEAR TECHN INC CMOS driver with minimum shoot-through current
K 2 US-7287321-B2 13 7 DENSO CORP Multi-layer board manufacturing method
K 3 US-7233174-B2 10 4 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC Dual polarity, high input voltage swing comparator using MOS input transistors
K 4 US-7752749-B2 2 1 PANASONIC CORP Electronic component mounting method and electronic component mounting device
M 1 US-8233880-B2 21 16 JOHNSON GARTH,GLOBAL TEL LINK CORP Integration of cellular phone detection and reporting into a prison telephone system
N 1 US-8141117-B1 16 10 LOBECK MATTHEW R,ARRIS GROUP INC,CHRISTENSEN KORY D,CONINGSBY DONNA JO,BROADUS CHARLES R,KELLUM JOHN M PC media center and extension device for interfacing with a personal video recorder through a home network
N 2 US-7258343-B2 15 9 BANDAI AMERICA INC Card game and methods of play
N 3 US-8134758-B2 4 2 UEDA HIDENORI,NAKAISHI YOSHIAKI,OKI DATA KK Image reading apparatus, image forming apparatus, image forming system that employs the image reading apparatus and the image forming apparatus
N 4 US-8198132-B2 2 1 GALERA MANOLITO,ALABIN LEOCADIO MORONA,FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR Isolated stacked die semiconductor packages
O 1 US-8306908-B1 36 20 WEST CORP,PETTAY MARK J,JOHNSON ROBERT E,KEMPKES RODNEY J,BARKER THOMAS B,STRUBBE TODD B Methods and apparatus for intelligent selection of goods and services in telephonic and electronic commerce
Q 1 US-7689487-B1 57 36 AMAZON COM INC Computer-assisted funds transfer system
Q 3 US-7130826-B1 5 3 IBM Method and apparatus for conducting coinless transactions
Q 4 US-8190451-B2 2 2 DANCHA LYNNE A,TAN AGNES W H,LINDQUIST TAMMIE J,LLOYD KAREN D,GROUP HEALTH PLAN INC,KOOPMEINERS MICHAEL Method and computer program product for predicting and minimizing future behavioral health-related hospital admissions
R 1 US-7360912-B1 42 30 PASS & SEYMOUR INC Electrical device with lamp module
R 2 US-7196508-B2 24 15 MIRAE CORP Handler for testing semiconductor devices
R 3 US-8052455-B1 10 7 HONGFUJIN PREC IND SHENZHEN,HON HAI PREC IND CO LTD Mounting apparatus for flash drive
R 5 US-8002580-B2 5 2 ANDREW LLC Coaxial cable crimp connector
V 1 US-7692056-B2 1 1 SHANGHAI RES INST PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY SINOPEC Process for producing lower olefins from methanol or dimethylether
Y 1 US-8471523-B2 1 1 MULTI FUNCTION CO LTD,LIN WEI-JONG Charging/discharging device having concealed universal serial bus plug(s)

3. Par pays

Extrayez le top 5 par pays. Il est intéressant de noter qu'il existe de nombreuses différences dans chaque pays. Le Japon est tout au sujet des semi-conducteurs.


code </ summary>

FROM `bqml_tutorial.fcitdata`
WHERE appcountry = 'WO'# OR appcountry = 'JP' OR appcountry = 'EP' OR appcountry = 'CN' OR appcountry = 'KR' OR appcountry = 'WO'
ORDER BY unique_cit_count DESC


Liste </ summary>

Row pubnum appcountry appyear total_cit_count unique_cit_count ipcs titles applicants IPC_A IPC_B IPC_C IPC_D IPC_E IPC_F IPC_G IPC_H US JP EP KR CN WO
1 JP-2002076356-A JP 2000 3084 1758 H Dispositif semi-conducteur JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH CORP 1 4 11 2 0 2 691 2373 3017 43 6 4 5 9
2 JP-2004103957-A JP 2002 3110 1746 H Transistor à effet de champ électrique à couche mince transparent qui utilise une couche mince homologue comme couche active,Transparent thin film field effect type transistor using homologous thin film as active layer JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH CORP,OTA HIROMICHI 1 4 18 1 0 2 688 2396 2912 93 8 90 0 7
3 JP-2003086808-A JP 2001 3066 1742 H Thin film transistor and matrix display,Dispositif d'affichage à film mince et à matrice SHARP KK,KAWASAKI MASASHI,ONO HIDEO 1 3 14 1 0 2 683 2362 2950 96 0 7 1 12
4 JP-2002289859-A JP 2001 3060 1734 H Couche mince,Thin-film transistor MINOLTA CO LTD 1 3 11 1 0 2 685 2357 2979 57 2 10 6 6
5 JP-2000044236-A JP 1998 3028 1722 H Articles ayant une couche mince d'oxyde conducteur transparent et son procédé de fabrication,Article having transparent conductive oxide thin film and its production HOYA CORP 1 7 20 1 0 2 680 2317 2991 13 12 3 3 6
1 US-4683202-A US 1985 8996 4766 C Process for amplifying nucleic acid sequences CETUS CORP 1602 148 6116 13 1 12 1083 21 5542 0 1701 1 1 1751
2 US-4816567-A US 1983 8668 4748 C Recombinant immunoglobin preparations GENENTECH INC 3319 27 4354 8 0 3 954 3 4387 0 1878 0 1 2402
3 US-4683195-A US 1986 7174 3763 C "Process for amplifying, detecting, and/or-cloning nucleic acid sequences" CETUS CORP 1115 154 4853 1 1 11 1021 18 4593 0 1355 1 1 1224
4 US-5523520-A US 1994 4759 3761 C Mutant dwarfism gene of petunia GOLDSMITH SEEDS INC 4585 1 162 0 2 1 5 3 4759 0 0 0 0 0
5 US-5223409-A US 1991 4956 2523 C Directed evolution of novel binding proteins PROTEIN ENG CORP 1598 17 2833 10 0 2 493 3 2629 2 1092 1 0 1232
1 EP-2226847-A2 EP 2005 2388 1510 H "Amorphous oxide and thin film transistor,Oxyde amorphe et transistor à couche mince,Amorpher Oxid- und Dünnschichttransistor" JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH AGENCY 1 3 9 0 0 2 594 1779 2387 0 0 1 0 0
2 EP-0239400-A2 EP 1987 1789 1190 C "Recombinant antibodies and methods for their production,Anticorps recombinants et leurs procédés de production,Rekombinante Antikörper und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung" WINTER GREGORY PAUL 593 1 1066 0 0 0 129 0 572 0 490 1 2 724
3 EP-1737044-A1 EP 2005 1662 1187 H "Oxyde amorphe et transistor film mince,Amorph-oxid- und dünnfilmtransistor,Amorphous oxide and thin film transistor" JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH AGENCY 0 3 7 0 0 2 452 1198 1651 0 4 0 1 6
4 EP-0404097-A2 EP 1990 1568 1152 A "Récepteurs mono- et oligovalents, bispécifiques et oligospécifiques, ainsi que leur production et application,Bispezifische und oligospezifische, mono- und oligovalente Rezeptoren, ihre Herstellung und Verwendung,Bispecific and oligospecific, mono- and oligovalent receptors, production and applications thereof" BEHRINGWERKE AG 505 6 910 0 0 0 147 0 262 0 495 0 0 811
5 EP-1737044-B1 EP 2005 1339 934 H "Amorphes oxid und dünnfilmtransistor,Amorphous oxide and thin film transistor,Oxyde amorphe et transistor film mince" JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH AGENCY 1 0 4 1 0 0 236 1097 1339 0 0 0 0 0
1 CN-201962688-U CN 2010 392 391 E "Diaphram wall wharf pile foundation structure,Connexion souterraine 续 墙 头 桩 桀 structure" FIRST ENGINEERING COMPANY OF CCCC FOURTH HARBOR ENGINEERING CO LTD 0 0 0 0 392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 392 0
2 CN-1895777-A CN 2005 297 296 B "Une sorte de molécule messagère emballée,Porous molecular-sieve catalyst for assembling carbide and its preparation" UNIV BEIJING CHEMICAL 0 7 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 297 0
3 CN-1634601-A CN 2003 680 288 A "Pour un type de méthode bactériostatique d'instrument de traitement médical,Method for sterilizing medical appliance" JILIN PROVINCE ZHONGLI IND CO 631 8 0 0 0 4 6 31 677 0 0 0 3 0
4 CN-1262969-A CN 2000 290 288 B "Catalyst using TiO2 as carrier to load metal nitride Mo2N,TiO" UNIV NANKAI 0 7 283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290 0
5 CN-1470327-A CN 2002 286 286 C "Metal nitride catalyst preparing method and catalyst,Une sorte de métalliseur" CHINA PETROCHEMICAL CORP 0 7 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 286 0
1 KR-20000051826-A KR 1999 192 179 C "New organomattalic complex molecule for the fabrication of organic light emitting diodes,신규한 착물 및 그의 제조 방법과 이를 이용한 유기 발광 소자" LG CHEMICAL LTD 0 0 162 0 0 0 0 30 12 0 0 168 0 12
2 KR-20110003229-A KR 2009 379 175 A "하이브리드 수술용 로봇 시스템 및 수술용 로봇 제어방법,Hybrid surgical robot system and control method thereof" ETERNE INC 360 6 0 0 0 1 7 5 366 0 1 4 1 7
3 KR-20000074034-A KR 1999 202 145 H "Ultra-slim Repeater with Variable Attenuator,케이블 손실 보상이 가능한 초소형 중계기" ACE TECH 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 192 197 0 0 4 0 1
4 KR-20120009843-A KR 2010 168 142 G "이동단말기 및 그의 어플리케이션 공유 방법,Mobile terminal and method for sharing applications thereof" LG ELECTRONICS INC 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 151 155 0 0 3 2 8
5 KR-20190000980-A KR 2017 148 141 H "A personal Healthcare System,퍼스널 헬스케어 시스템" LEE DONG WON 15 38 0 1 15 24 19 36 1 0 0 147 0 0
1 WO-2004114391-A1 WO 2004 2859 1667 H "Dispositif a semi-conducteur et son procede de production, et dispositif electronique,Semiconductor device, its manufacturing method, and electronic device,Dispositifs à semi-conducteurs et leurs méthodes de fabrication et dispositifs électroniques" "KAWASAKI MASASHI,SHARP KK,SUGIHARA TOSHINORI,OHNO HIDEO" 1 3 10 1 0 2 666 2176 2843 7 4 1 1 3
2 WO-9201047-A1 WO 1991 2421 1413 C "Methods for producing members of specific binding pairs,Procede de production de chainon de paires a liaison specifique" "CAMBRIDGE ANTIBODY TECH,MEDICAL RES COUNCIL" 797 2 1410 0 0 0 212 0 850 2 780 1 4 784
3 WO-9633735-A1 WO 1996 1764 1023 C "Anticorps humains derives d'une xenosouris immunisee,Human antibodies derived from immunized xenomice" CELL GENESYS INC 645 2 1003 0 0 0 114 0 616 29 510 2 1 606
4 WO-9634096-A1 WO 1995 1712 1022 C "Anticorps humains derives de xeno-souris immunisees,Human antibodies derived from immunized xenomice" CELL GENESYS INC 626 2 977 0 0 0 107 0 553 17 523 2 0 617
5 WO-9307278-A1 WO 1992 1137 995 A "Sequence d'adn synthetique ayant une action insecticide accrue dans le mais,Synthetic dna sequence having enhanced insecticidal activity in maize" CIBA GEIGY AG 515 1 616 0 0 0 5 0 81 0 230 0 1 825

4. Citation transnationale

Par exemple, un modèle dans lequel les gazettes américaines sont utilisées dans les examens JP. Cette fois, nous avons ciblé les demandes de six offices de brevets, dont JP, US, CN, EP et KR, qui seraient les cinq principaux offices de brevets, ainsi que les demandes de brevet internationales (WO). Est extrait. Habituellement, la littérature écrite dans la langue du pays est utilisée comme référence, mais s'il n'y a pas de littérature ayant une technologie similaire, la littérature étrangère peut être introduite. En regardant le pays, la plupart d'entre eux sont américains, mais il semble qu'il existe de nombreux systèmes de télécommunications (G, H). Impression qu'il existe de nombreuses entreprises japonaises. Est-il facile à utiliser comme document technique?


code </ summary>

  FROM `bqml_tutorial.fcitdata`
  #GROUP BY ipcs,pubnum,total_cit_count,unique_cit_count,titles,applicants
  ORDER BY total_cit_count DESC
  LIMIT 10


Liste </ summary>

pubnum ipcs total_cit_count unique_cit_count applicants titles US JP EP CN KR WO
US-5892900-A G 4035 1944 INTERTRUST TECH CORP Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection 3955 2 19 29 4 26
US-2003189401-A1 C 3849 1958 INT MFG & ENG SERVICES CO LTD Organic electroluminescent device 3820 1 16 1 3 8
US-2007194379-A1 G 3592 1833 JAPAN SCIENCE & TECH AGENCY Amorphous Oxide And Thin Film Transistor 3574 1 7 1 2 7
US-2007108446-A1 H 3501 1758 SEMICONDUCTOR ENERGY LAB Semiconductor device and manufacturing method thereof 3464 4 11 7 13 2
US-2006244107-A1 H 3493 1844 SUGIHARA TOSHINORI,KAWASAKI MASASHI,OHNO HIDEO Semiconductor device, manufacturing method, and electronic device 3461 2 12 7 3 8
US-2006108636-A1 H 3475 1777 TOKYO INST TECH Amorphous oxide and field effect transistor 3452 6 10 3 1 3
US-2006110867-A1 H 3454 1752 TOKYO INST TECH Field effect transistor manufacturing method 3426 4 9 5 4 6
US-2006113565-A1 H 3439 1763 TOKYO INST TECH Electric elements and circuits utilizing amorphous oxides 3412 4 3 10 2 8
US-2008038882-A1 H 3401 1734 TAKECHI KAZUSHIGE,NAKATA MITSURU Thin-film device and method of fabricating the same 3342 13 8 24 4 10
US-2007090365-A1 H 3398 1742 CANON KK Field-effect transistor including transparent oxide and light-shielding member, and display utilizing the transistor 3384 3 1 8 1 1

Il peut être plus facile de comprendre cette zone en la visualisant sous forme de diagramme de réseau.

5. Correction par le temps

On peut dire que les documents cités de la nouvelle ère sont désavantageux car le temps ne s'est pas écoulé depuis leur publication, et les documents de l'ancienne ère ont tendance à être cités plus fréquemment, alors je l'ai corrigé un peu. Si vous travaillez sérieusement dessus, il y a biais de déconnexion, mais ce processus N'est-ce pas cette fois. Les applications américaines et 2008-2009 sont arrivées au sommet.


code </ summary>

DECLARE kotoshi INT64;

SELECT pubnum,appcountry,appyear,total_cit_count,unique_cit_count,kotoshi - CAST(appyear AS INT64) AS pub_interval, total_cit_count / (kotoshi - CAST(appyear AS INT64)) AS ave_cit,ipcs,	titles
FROM `bqml_tutorial.fcitdata`


Liste </ summary>

pubnum appcountry appyear total_cit_count unique_cit_count pub_interval ave_cit ipcs titles
US-2009278122-A1 US 2009 3164 1725 11 287.6 H Amorphous oxide and thin film transistor
US-2009280600-A1 US 2009 3163 1727 11 287.5 G Amorphous oxide and thin film transistor
US-2010092800-A1 US 2009 3150 1678 11 286.4 B Substrate for growing wurtzite type crystal and method for manufacturing the same and semiconductor device
US-2010065844-A1 US 2009 3149 1677 11 286.3 H Thin film transistor and method of manufacturing thin film transistor
US-7732819-B2 US 2008 3341 1737 12 278.4 H Semiconductor device and manufacturing method thereof
US-2009134399-A1 US 2008 3303 1708 12 275.3 C Semiconductor Device and Method for Manufacturing the Same
US-2009073325-A1 US 2008 3298 1705 12 274.8 G "Semiconductor device and method for manufacturing the same, and electric device"
US-2008224133-A1 US 2008 3285 1714 12 273.8 H Thin film transistor and organic light-emitting display device having the thin film transistor
US-2008258141-A1 US 2008 3279 1720 12 273.3 H "Thin film transistor, method of manufacturing the same, and flat panel display having the same"
US-2009068773-A1 US 2008 3275 1709 12 272.9 H Method for fabricating pixel structure of active matrix organic light-emitting diode

6. Référence: documents non-brevet avec de nombreuses citations

Les documents non brevetés étant inclus dans les documents cités, j'ai essayé de les extraire (pas d'identification de nom). Par rapport aux documents de brevet, c'est beaucoup plus compliqué à mettre en place ... Le numéro un cité est l'article du séquenceur de la séquence de gènes suivante à l'exception des séquences étranges.

ALTSCHUL ET AL., J. MOL. BIOL., vol. 215, 1990, pages 403 - 410


code </ summary>

  cit.npl_text AS title,
  COUNT(cit.npl_text) AS count,
  STRING_AGG(DISTINCT(SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2))) AS cit_country,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'A' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_A,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'B' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_B,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'C' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_C,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'D' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_D,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'E' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_E,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'F' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_F,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'G' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_G,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(ipcs.code,0,1) WHEN 'H' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IPC_H,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'US' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as US,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'JP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as JP,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'EP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as EP,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'KR' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as KR,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'CN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CN,
  SUM(CASE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) WHEN 'WO' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as WO
  `patents-public-data.patents.publications_201912` as main,
  UNNEST(main.citation) AS cit,
  UNNEST(main.ipc) AS ipcs
WHERE cit.npl_text NOT IN ('','None','NEANT','NICHTS ERMITTELT','NICHTS-ERMITTELT','No Search','International Search Report.','No further relevant documents disclosed')
  AND ipcs.first = TRUE
GROUP BY cit.npl_text


Liste </ summary>

title count cit_country IPC_A IPC_B IPC_C IPC_D IPC_E IPC_F IPC_G IPC_H US JP EP KR CN WO
"PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 2003, no. 12 5 December 2003 (2003-12-05)" 3694 "FR,NL,EP,LU,CH,GR,WO" 317 805 407 60 59 461 819 766 0 0 1922 0 0 1354
PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN 3117 "WO,FR,US,DE,NL,EP" 367 659 505 17 73 260 703 533 1 0 1258 0 0 1717
"ALTSCHUL ET AL., J. MOL. BIOL., vol. 215, 1990, pages 403 - 410" 2385 "WO,EP" 516 2 1756 1 0 0 109 1 0 0 964 0 0 1421
"Kraft et al., ""Linkage disequilibrium and fingerprinting in sugar beet,"" Theor Appl Genet, 101:323-326, 2000." 2256 US 2193 0 63 0 0 0 0 0 2256 0 0 0 0 0
"SAMBROOK ET AL.: ""Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual"", 1989, COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY PRESS" 2086 "WO,EP" 528 14 1389 0 0 1 153 1 0 0 987 0 0 1099
"JONES ET AL., NATURE, vol. 321, 1986, pages 522 - 525" 1969 "EP,WO" 584 6 1221 0 0 0 158 0 0 0 881 0 0 1088
"WARD ET AL., NATURE, vol. 341, 1989, pages 544 - 546" 1908 "EP,WO" 504 3 1233 0 0 0 168 0 0 0 816 0 0 1092
"BIRD ET AL., SCIENCE, vol. 242, 1988, pages 423 - 426" 1900 "EP,WO" 555 4 1199 0 0 0 142 0 0 0 739 0 0 1161
"CLACKSON ET AL., NATURE, vol. 352, 1991, pages 624 - 628" 1784 "WO,EP" 536 9 1035 0 0 0 204 0 0 0 728 0 0 1056
"Meghji et al., ""Inbreeding depression, inbred and hybrid grain yields, and other traits of maize genotypes representing three eras,"" Crop Science, 24:545-549, 1984." 1754 US 1698 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 1754 0 0 0 0 0

7. À l'exclusion des citations des candidats américains

Puisqu'il y a de nombreuses citations de candidats dans les demandes américaines, la clause WHERE a été corrigée dans l'intention de les exclure.

~~Seulement des pièces différentes
WHERE SUBSTR(main.publication_number,0,2) IN ('US','JP','EP','CN','KR','WO') AND pubnum IS NOT NULL AND ipcs.first = TRUE AND cit.category IN ('EXA','SEA','ISR')

Ensuite, dans le classement suivant.

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