Afin d'avoir une vue d'ensemble de ce qui a été ajouté dans Java 9, les types (classes, interfaces, etc.) qui sont depuis 9 sur Javadoc sont extraits et répertoriés.
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java.base ObjectInputFilter.Config
A utility class to set and get the process-wide filter or create a filter from a pattern string.
FilterInfo provides access to information about the current object being deserialized and the status of the ObjectInputStream.
The status of a check on the class, array length, number of references, depth, and stream size.
Filter classes, array lengths, and graph metrics during deserialization.
java.lang IllegalCallerException
Thrown to indicate that a method has been called by an inappropriate caller.
Thrown when creating a module layer fails.
Represents a run-time module, either named or unnamed.
Controls a module layer.
A layer of modules in the Java virtual machine.
Information snapshot about the process.
ProcessHandle identifies and provides control of native processes.
A representation of a version string for an implementation of the Java SE Platform.
Stack walker option to configure the stack frame information obtained by a StackWalker.
A StackFrame object represents a method invocation returned by StackWalker.
A stack walker.
System loggers levels.
The LoggerFinder service is responsible for creating, managing, and configuring loggers to the underlying framework it uses.
java.lang.invoke StringConcatException
StringConcatException is thrown by StringConcatFactory when linkage invariants are violated.
Methods to facilitate the creation of String concatenation methods, that can be used to efficiently concatenate a known number of arguments of known types, possibly after type adaptation and partial evaluation of arguments.
A VarHandle is a dynamically strongly typed reference to a variable, or to a parametrically-defined family of variables, including static fields, non-static fields, array elements, or components of an off-heap data structure.
java.lang.module Configuration
A configuration that is the result of resolution or resolution with service binding.
Thrown by a ModuleFinder when an error occurs finding a module.
Thrown when reading a module descriptor and the module descriptor is found to be malformed or otherwise cannot be interpreted as a module descriptor.
A builder for building ModuleDescriptor objects.
A modifier on an exported package.
A package exported by a module, may be qualified or unqualified.
A modifier on a module.
A modifier on an open package.
A package opened by a module, may be qualified or unqualified.
A service that a module provides one or more implementations of.
A modifier on a module dependence.
A dependence upon a module
A module's version string.
A module descriptor.
A finder of modules.
Provides access to the content of a module.
A reference to a module's content.
Thrown when resolving a set of modules, or resolving a set of modules with service binding, fails.
A module in a graph of resolved modules.
java.lang.ref Cleaner.Cleanable
Cleanable represents an object and a cleaning action registered in a Cleaner.
Cleaner manages a set of object references and corresponding cleaning actions.
java.lang.reflect InaccessibleObjectException
Thrown when Java language access checks cannot be suppressed. URLStreamHandlerProvider
URL stream handler service-provider class. DrbgParameters.Capability
The reseedable and prediction resistance capabilities of a DRBG.
DRBG parameters for instantiation.
DRBG parameters for random bits generation.
DRBG parameters for reseed.
This class specifies the parameters used by a DRBG (Deterministic Random Bit Generator).
A marker interface for parameters used in various SecureRandom methods. URICertStoreParameters
Parameters used as input for CertStore algorithms which use information contained in a URI to retrieve certificates and CRLs.
java.util Locale.IsoCountryCode
Enum for specifying the type defined in ISO 3166.
Represents a service provider located by ServiceLoader.
java.util.concurrent Flow
Interrelated interfaces and static methods for establishing flow-controlled components in which Publishers produce items consumed by one or more Subscribers, each managed by a Subscription.
A Flow.
java.util.spi AbstractResourceBundleProvider
AbstractResourceBundleProvider is an abstract class that provides the basic support for a provider implementation class for ResourceBundleProvider.
ResourceBundleProvider is a provider interface that is used for loading resource bundles for named modules.
An interface for command-line tools to provide a way to be invoked without necessarily starting a new VM. CRC32C
A class that can be used to compute the CRC-32C of a data stream.
java.compiler javax.annotation.processing Type Generated
The Generated annotation is used to mark source code that has been generated.
javax.lang.model.element ModuleElement.Directive
Represents a directive within the declaration of this module.
The kind of a directive.
A visitor of module directives, in the style of the visitor design pattern.
An exported package of a module.
An opened package of a module.
An implementation of a service provided by a module.
A dependency of a module.
A reference to a service used by a module.
Represents a module program element.
Indicates that an unknown kind of module directive was encountered.
javax.lang.model.util AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor9<R,P>
A skeletal visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
A skeletal visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
A skeletal visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
A visitor of program elements based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
A scanning visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
The origin of an element or other language model item.
A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.
A visitor of types based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version. StandardJavaFileManager.PathFactory
Factory to create Path objects from strings.
java.desktop java.awt Taskbar
The Taskbar class allows a Java application to interact with the system task area (taskbar, Dock, etc.
java.awt.desktop AboutEvent
Event sent when the application is asked to open its about window.
An implementer receives notification when the app is asked to show its about dialog.
AppEvents are sent to listeners and handlers installed on the Desktop.
Event sent when the application has become the foreground app, and when it is no longer the foreground app.
Implementors are notified when the app becomes the foreground app and when it is no longer the foreground app.
Event sent when the application has been hidden or shown.
Implementors are notified when the app is hidden or shown by the user.
Event sent when the application is asked to re-open itself.
Implementors receive notification when the app has been asked to open again.
Auxiliary event containing a list of files.
Event sent when the app is asked to open a list of files.
An implementor is notified when the application is asked to open a list of files.
Event sent when the app is asked to open a URI.
An implementor is notified when the application is asked to open a URI.
Event sent when the application is asked to open its preferences window.
An implementor is notified when the app is asked to show its preferences UI.
Event sent when the app is asked to print a list of files.
An implementor can respond to requests to print documents that the app has been registered to handle.
Event sent when the application is asked to quit.
An implementor determines if requests to quit this application should proceed or cancel.
Used to respond to a request to quit the application.
The strategy used to shut down the application, if Sudden Termination is not enabled.
Event sent when the displays attached to the system enter and exit power save sleep.
Implementors receive notification when the displays attached to the system have entered power save sleep.
Common interface for all event listener sub-types.
Event sent when the system enters and exits power save sleep.
Implementors receive notification as the system is entering sleep, and after the system wakes.
Event sent when the user session has been changed.
Implementors receive notification when the user session changes.
java.awt.event FocusEvent.Cause
This enum represents the cause of a FocusEvent- the reason why it occurred.
java.awt.image AbstractMultiResolutionImage
This class provides default implementations of several Image methods for classes that want to implement the MultiResolutionImage interface.
This class is an array-based implementation of the AbstractMultiResolutionImage class.
This interface is designed to be an optional additional API supported by some implementations of Image to allow them to provide alternate images for various rendering resolutions.
java.beans Type BeanProperty
An annotation used to specify some property-related information for the automatically generated BeanInfo classes.
An annotation used to specify some class-related information for the automatically generated BeanInfo classes.
javax.accessibility AccessibilityProvider
Service Provider Interface (SPI) for Assistive Technology.
javax.imageio.plugins.tiff BaselineTIFFTagSet
A class representing the set of tags found in the baseline TIFF specification as well as some common additional tags.
A class representing the tags found in an Exif GPS Info IFD.
A class representing the tags found in an Exif Interoperability IFD.
A class containing the TIFF tags used to reference the Exif and GPS IFDs.
A class representing the tags found in an Exif IFD.
A class representing the extra tags found in a TIFF-F (RFC 2036) file.
A class representing the tags found in a GeoTIFF IFD.
A convenience class for simplifying interaction with TIFF native image metadata.
A class representing a field in a TIFF 6.
A subclass of ImageReadParam allowing control over the TIFF reading process.
A class defining the notion of a TIFF tag.
A class representing a set of TIFF tags.
javax.swing Type SwingContainer
An annotation used to specify some swing-related information for the automatically generated BeanInfo classes.
This interface is used only for tagging keys for client properties for JComponent set by UI which needs to be cleared on L&F change and serialization.
java.instrument java.lang.instrument UnmodifiableModuleException
Thrown to indicate that a module cannot be modified. Type ConstructorParameters
An annotation on a constructor that shows how the parameters of that constructor correspond to the constructed object's getter methods. EncryptionKey
This class encapsulates an EncryptionKey used in Kerberos.
This class encapsulates a Kerberos 5 KRB_CRED message which can be used to send Kerberos credentials from one principal to another.
java.sql java.sql ConnectionBuilder
A builder created from a DataSource object, used to establish a connection to the database that the data source object represents.
Interface used to indicate that this object represents a Sharding Key.
A builder created from a DataSource or XADataSource object, used to create a ShardingKey with sub-keys of supported data types.
javax.sql PooledConnectionBuilder
A builder created from a ConnectionPoolDataSource object, used to establish a connection to the database that the data source object represents.
A builder created from a XADataSource object, used to establish a connection to the database that the data source object represents.
java.xml javax.xml.catalog Catalog
The Catalog class represents an entity Catalog as defined by XML Catalogs, OASIS Standard V1.
The exception class handles errors that may happen while processing or using a catalog.
The CatalogFeatures holds a collection of features and properties.
The Catalog Manager manages the creation of XML Catalogs and Catalog Resolvers.
A Catalog Resolver that implements SAX EntityResolver, StAX XMLResolver, DOM LS LSResourceResolver used by Schema Validation, and Transform URIResolver, and resolves external references using catalogs.
The XPathEvaluationResult interface represents the result of the evaluation of an XPath expression within the context of a particular node.
XPathNodes represents a set of nodes selected by a location path as specified in XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.
org.w3c.dom ElementTraversal
The ElementTraversal interface is a set of read-only attributes which allow an author to easily navigate between elements in a document.
org.w3c.dom.ranges DocumentRange
See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.
See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.
Range operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions.
org.w3c.dom.traversal DocumentTraversal
DocumentTraversal contains methods that create NodeIterators and TreeWalkers to traverse a node and its children in document order (depth first, pre-order traversal, which is equivalent to the order in which the start tags occur in the text representation of the document).
Filters are objects that know how to "filter out" nodes.
NodeIterators are used to step through a set of nodes, e.
TreeWalker objects are used to navigate a document tree or subtree using the view of the document defined by their whatToShow flags and filter (if any).
java.xml.bind javax.xml.bind JAXBContextFactory
Factory that creates new JAXBContext instances.
javafx.base javafx.util FXPermission
This class is for JavaFX permissions.
javafx.controls AccordionSkin
Default skin implementation for the Accordion control.
Default skin implementation for the ButtonBar control.
Default skin implementation for the Button control.
Default skin implementation for the Cell control, and subclasses such as ListCell, TreeCell, etc.
Default skin implementation for the tri-state CheckBox control.
Default skin implementation for the ChoiceBox control.
Default skin implementation for the ColorPicker control.
An abstract class intended to be used as the base skin for ComboBox-like controls that are based on ComboBoxBase.
Default skin implementation for the ComboBox control.
An abstract class that extends the functionality of ComboBoxBaseSkin to include API related to showing ComboBox-like controls as popups.
Default Skin implementation for ContextMenu.
Default skin implementation for the DateCell control.
Default skin implementation for the DatePicker control.
Default skin implementation for the Hyperlink control.
Default skin implementation for the Label control.
Default skin implementation for controls extends Labeled.
Default skin implementation for the ListCell control.
Default skin implementation for the ListView control.
Default skin implementation for the MenuBar control.
Default skin implementation for the MenuButton control.
Base class for MenuButtonSkin and SplitMenuButtonSkin.
This class is used to construct the header of a TableView.
Default skin implementation for the Pagination control.
Default skin implementation for the ProgressBar control.
Default skin implementation for the ProgressIndicator control.
Default skin implementation for the RadioButton control.
Default skin implementation for the ScrollBar control.
Default skin implementation for the ScrollPane control.
Default skin implementation for the Separator control.
Default skin implementation for the Slider control.
Default skin implementation for the Spinner control.
Default skin implementation for the SplitMenuButton control.
Default skin implementation for the SplitPane control.
Default skin implementation for the TabPane control.
Default skin implementation for the TableCell control.
TableCellSkinBase<S,T,C extends IndexedCell
Base skin for table cell controls, for example: TableCell and TreeTableCell.
Region responsible for painting a single column header.
Region responsible for painting the entire row of column headers.
Default skin implementation for the TableRow control.
TableRowSkinBase<T,C extends IndexedCell,R extends IndexedCell>
TableRowSkinBase is the base skin class used by controls such as TableRow and TreeTableRow (the concrete classes are TableRowSkin and TreeTableRowSkin, respectively).
Default skin implementation for the TableView control.
TableViewSkinBase<M,S,C extends Control,I extends IndexedCell
TableViewSkinBase is the base skin class used by controls such as TableView and TreeTableView (the concrete classes are TableViewSkin and TreeTableViewSkin, respectively).
Default skin implementation for the TextArea control.
Default skin implementation for the TextField control.
Abstract base class for text input skins.
Default skin implementation for the TitledPane control.
Default skin implementation for the ToggleButton control.
Default skin implementation for the ToolBar control.
Default skin implementation for the TreeCell control.
Default skin implementation for the TreeTableCell control.
Default skin implementation for the TreeTableRow control.
Default skin implementation for the TreeTableView control.
Default skin implementation for the TreeView control.
VirtualContainerBase<C extends Control,I extends IndexedCell>
Parent class to control skins whose contents are virtualized and scrollable.
Implementation of a virtualized container using a cell based mechanism.
javafx.fxml javafx.fxml LoadListener
Load listener interface. javafx.css CompoundSelector
A compound selector which behaves according to the CSS standard.
A FontFace is a @font-face definition from CSS file
Used by Rule to determine whether or not the selector applies to a given object.
Used by CSSRule to determine whether or not the selector applies to a given object.
A simple selector which behaves according to the CSS standard.
Represents a size specified in a particular unit, such as 14px or 0.
Represents a size specified in a particular unit, such as 14px or 0.
A Style is just the selector and declaration from a Rule.
The StringStore class
A stylesheet which can apply properties to a tree of objects.
javafx.css.converter BooleanConverter
Convert a Size to Duration
Converts a parsed value array of 1 to 4 size components to an Insets.
Converts an SVG shape string into a Shape object.
Convert a Size to Number
String type converts embedded unicode characters
Converts a parsed value representing URL to a URL string that is resolved relative to the location of the stylesheet.
javafx.scene.text HitInfo
Represents the hit information in a Text node.
javafx.web javafx.scene.web HTMLEditorSkin
HTML editor skin.
jdk.attach AttachOperationFailedException
Exception type to signal that an attach operation failed in the target VM.
jdk.compiler com.sun.source.doctree HiddenTree
A tree node for an @hidden block tag.
A tree node for an @index or @index inline tag.
A tree node for a @provides block tag.
A tree node for an @uses block tag.
com.sun.source.tree ExportsTree
A tree node for an 'exports' directive in a module declaration.
A tree node for a module declaration.
A tree node for an 'opens' directive in a module declaration.
Represents the package declaration.
A tree node for a 'provides' directive in a module declaration.
A tree node for a 'requires' directive in a module declaration.
A tree node for a 'uses' directive in a module declaration.
com.sun.source.util DocTreeFactory
Factory for creating DocTree nodes.
jdk.incubator.httpclient jdk.incubator.http HttpClient.Builder
A builder of immutable HttpClients.
Defines automatic redirection policy.
The HTTP protocol version.
A container for configuration information common to multiple HttpRequests.
A read-only view of a set of HTTP headers.
A builder of HttpRequests.
Represents one HTTP request which can be sent to a server.
A response processor for a HTTP/2 multi response.
Represents a response to a HttpRequest.
A builder for creating WebSocket instances.
A listener for events and messages on a WebSocket.
A marker used by WebSocket.
A WebSocket client conforming to RFCÂ 6455.
An exception used to signal the opening handshake failed.
jdk.jartool JarSigner.Builder
A mutable builder class that can create an immutable JarSigner from various signing-related parameters.
An immutable utility class to sign a jar file.
This exception is thrown when JarSigner.
jdk.javadoc jdk.javadoc.doclet Doclet
The user doclet must implement this interface, as described in the package description.
Represents the operating environment of a single invocation of the doclet.
This interface provides error, warning and notice reporting.
The interface for a custom taglet supported by doclets such as the standard doclet.
jdk.jdi com.sun.jdi InvalidModuleException
Thrown to indicate that the requested module is invalid or became invalid after the module was unloaded.
A module in the target VM.
jdk.jfr jdk.jfr AnnotationElement
Describes event metadata, such as labels, descriptions and units.
Event field annotation, signifies that value is a boolean flag, a true or false value
Event annotation, to associate the event type with a category, in the format of a human readable path.
A collection of settings and metadata describing the configuration.
Meta annotation, signifies that an annotation represents a content type, such as a timespan or a frequency.
Event field annotation, signifies that a value represents an amount of data, for example bytes.
Annotation that describes an element with a sentence or two.
Event annotation, determines if an event should be enabled by default.
Base class for events, to be subclassed in order to define events and their fields.
Class for defining events at runtime.
Convenience class for applying event settings to a recording.
Describes an event, its fields, settings and annotations.
Annotation that signifies that an element is experimental and may change without further notice.
Class for accessing, controlling and managing Flight Recorder.
Callback interface to monitor Flight Recorder's life cycle.
Permission for controlling access to Flight Recorder.
Event field annotation, signifies that value is a frequency, measured in Hz.
Annotation that sets a human-readable name for an element, for example "Maximum Throughput".
Event field annotation, signifies that value is a memory address.
Meta annotation for defining new types of event metadata.
Annotation that overrides the default name for an element, for instance when the default package for an event is not appropriate.
Event field annotation to be used on fractions, typically between 0.
Event annotation, determines the default period for a periodic event.
Provides means to configure, start, stop and dump recording data to disk.
Indicates a state in the life cycle of a recording.
Event annotation, for programmatic event registration.
Meta annotation for relational annotations, to be used on annotation.
Base class to extend to create setting controls.
Annotation that signifies that a method in an event class should be used to filter out events.
Describes an event setting
Event annotation, determines if an event should by default have a stack trace or not.
Event annotation, determines the default cut-off below which an event should not be recorded, for example "20 ms".
Event field annotation, signifies that value is a duration.
Event field annotation, signifies that value is a point in time.
Event field annotation, signifies that the event transitioned from a thread.
Event field annotation, signifies that the event is about to transitions to a thread.
Event field annotation, signifies that value is as unsigned data type.
Describes event fields and annotation elements.
jdk.jfr.consumer RecordedClass
A recorded Java type, such as a class or an interface.
A recorded Java class loader.
A recorded event.
A recorded frame in a stack trace.
A recorded method.
A complex data type that consists of one or more fields.
A recorded stack trace.
A recorded thread.
A recorded Java thread group.
A recording file.
jdk.jshell jdk.jshell DeclarationSnippet
Grouping for all declaration Snippets: variable declarations (VarSnippet), method declarations (MethodSnippet), and type declarations (TypeDeclSnippet).
Diagnostic information for a Snippet.
A snippet of code that is not valid Java programming language code.
Wraps an exception thrown in the remotely executing client.
Snippet for an assignment or variable-value expression.
Snippet for an import declaration.
The JShell evaluation state engine.
The superclass of JShell generated exceptions
Snippet for a method definition.
Grouping for Snippets which persist and influence future code.
A Snippet represents a snippet of Java source code as passed to JShell.
A description of a change to a Snippet.
Provides analysis utilities for source code input.
Snippet for a statement.
Snippet for a type definition (a class, interface, enum, or annotation interface definition).
Exception reported on attempting to execute a RECOVERABLE_DEFINED snippet.
Snippet for a variable definition.
jdk.jshell.execution DirectExecutionControl
An ExecutionControl implementation that runs in the current process.
Tries other providers in sequence until one works.
The implementation of ExecutionControl that the JShell-core uses by default.
Abstract JDI implementation of ExecutionControl.
A provider of remote JDI-controlled execution engines.
Sets up a JDI connection, providing the resulting JDI VirtualMachine and the Process the remote agent is running in.
This interface specifies the loading specific subset of ExecutionControl.
An implementation of ExecutionControl which executes in the same JVM as the JShell-core.
A provider of execution engines which run in the same process as JShell.
The remote agent runs in the execution process (separate from the main JShell process).
An implementation of the ExecutionControl execution engine SPI which streams requests to a remote agent where execution takes place.
Miscellaneous utility methods for setting-up implementations of ExecutionControl.
jdk.jshell.spi ExecutionControl
This interface specifies the functionality that must provided to implement a pluggable JShell execution engine.
The provider used by JShell to generate the execution engine needed to evaluate Snippets.
Functionality made available to a pluggable JShell execution engine.
The construction and throw of this exception is embedded in code generated by the JShell core implementation in such a way that, upon executing a RECOVERABLE_DEFINED user method, this exception is thrown.
jdk.jshell.tool JavaShellToolBuilder
Interface to configure and run a Java shell tool instance. ConfigurationInfo
Management representation of a Configuration.
Management representation of an EventType.
Management interface for controlling Flight Recorder.
Management representation of a Recording.
Management class that describes a setting, for example name, description and default value. UserJvmOptionsService
Runtime access to the UserJVMOptions.
jdk.scripting.nashorn jdk.nashorn.api.tree ArrayAccessTree
A tree node for an array access expression.
Represents ECMAScript array literal expression.
A tree node for an assignment expression.
A tree node for a binary expression.
A tree node for a statement block.
A tree node for a 'break' statement.
A tree node for a 'case' in a 'switch' statement.
A tree node for a 'catch' block in a 'try' statement.
A tree node that represents a class declaration.
A tree node that represents a class expression.
Represents the abstract syntax tree for compilation units (source files)
A tree node for compound assignment operator.
A tree node for the conditional operator ? :.
A mixin for conditional "loop" statements.
A tree node for a 'continue' statement.
A tree node for a 'debugger' statement.
Interface for diagnostics from tools.
Interface for receiving diagnostics from Nashorn parser.
A tree node for a 'do' statement.
A tree node for an empty (skip) statement.
A tree node to stand in for a malformed expression.
A tree node for an expression statement.
A tree node used as the base class for the different types of expressions.
A tree node for for.
A tree node for a basic 'for' loop statement.
A tree node for for.
A tree node for a function call expression.
A tree node for a function declaration.
A tree node for function expressions including arrow functions.
A tree node for a statement that jumps to a target.
A tree node for an identifier expression.
A tree node for an 'if' statement.
A tree node for an 'instanceof' expression.
A tree node for a labeled statement.
Provides methods to convert between character positions and line numbers for a compilation unit.
A tree node for a literal expression.
A mixin for "loop" statements.
A tree node for a member access expression.
A tree node to declare a new instance of a class.
Represents ECMAScript object literal expression.
A tree node for a parenthesized expression.
Represents nashorn ECMAScript parser instance.
To represent property setting in an object literal tree.
Represents regular expression literal in the source code.
A tree node for a 'return' statement.
A tree node used as the base class for the different kinds of statements.
A tree node for a 'switch' statement.
A tree node for template literal strings.
A tree node for a 'throw' statement.
Common interface for all nodes in an abstract syntax tree.
A visitor of trees, in the style of the visitor design pattern.
A tree node for a 'try' statement.
A tree node for postfix and unary expressions.
Indicates that an unknown kind of Tree was encountered.
A tree node for a variable declaration statement.
A tree node for a 'while' loop statement.
A tree node for a 'with' statement.
A tree node for yield expressions used in generator functions.
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