How to check the extension and size of uploaded files

--Environment - CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core) - Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers.Version: 2020-03 (4.15.0) - openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14 LTS - JSF 2.3.9

Thing you want to do

  1. I want to make an error if the extension of the uploaded file is not the specified one
  2. I want to make an error if the size of the uploaded file is larger than specified
  3. I want to specify the error message on the parent screen

Extract name and size from File interface and check

The File object is a special kind of Blob object that can be used wherever Blobs are available. File - Web API | MDN

I want to make an error if the file extension is not the specified one


 *Determine if the extension is correct.
 * @param  {string}file name.
 * @return {Boolean} true:correct.
function isCorrectExtension(name) {
    //Starting with a character other than a space, ".jpg」「.png」「.gif」「.Characters ending in "psf"(Case insensitive[i])
    var format = new RegExp('([^\s]+(\\.(jpg|png|gif|pdf))$)', 'i');
    return format.test(name);
special character meaning
^ Match to the beginning of the input
$ Match at the end of the input
\s Matches whitespace characters including spaces, tabs, page breaks, and line breaks

--Reference -How to validate the extension of an image file with a regular expression -Regular expression --JavaScript | MDN -Regular expression (RegExp)-Introduction to Tohoho's WWW -Regular expression escaping in Javascript-Qiita

I want to make an error if the file size is larger than specified


 *Determine if the file size is correct.
 * @param  {number}file size(Byte unit).
 * @return {Boolean} true:correct.
function isCorrectSize(size) {
    /** @type {number}Maximum size allowed(1MB). */
    var maxSize = 1024 * 1024;
    return size <= maxSize;

--Reference: Byte conversion --High-precision calculation site

I want to specify the error message on the parent screen

Three methods that I came up with so that I can use it according to the situation

Method 1. Get from the parent screen with JavaScript window.opener

  1. Set the error message as a hidden item on the parent screen
  2. Get using window.opener in JavaScript processing of child screen

--Reference -Operating the parent window from the child window | Private miscellaneous notes -[JavaScript] Refer to the parent window from the subwindow (window.opener) | JavaScript reverse lookup that can be used with copy and paste

Parent screen

<h:inputHidden id="extErrMessage" value="The extension is out of scope." />
<h:inputHidden id="sizeErrMessage" value="The file size is too large." />


        if (!isCorrectExtension( {
            errMessage += window.opener.$('#extErrMessage').text();
        if (!isCorrectSize(file.size)) {
            if (errMessage != '') {
                errMessage += '<br />';
            errMessage += window.opener.$('#sizeErrMessage').text();

Method 2. Pass a message as a parameter when displaying a child screen

  1. Set the error message with the GET parameter when generating JavaSctipt that displays the child screen on the parent screen.
  2. After opening the child screen, receive the parameter with f: viewParam and set it as the backing bean
  3. Put the backing bean error message in JSON format
  4. Get the error message using parseJSON in JavaScript

Parent screen

<input type="button" value="upload" onclick="#{uploadBean.onClick}" />

     *Get the JavaScript code to output for the onClick attribute.
     * @return JavaScript code.
    public String getOnClick() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.append(urlEncode("The extension is out of scope."));
        builder.append(urlEncode("The file size is too large."));
        builder.append("', '', 'width=500,height=100'); return false;");
        return builder.toString();

     *URL-encoded org and returned.
     * @param org
     * @return
    private String urlEncode(String org) {
        try {
            return URLEncoder.encode(org, "utf-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

upload.xml(Child screen)

    <ui:remove>Receive GET parameters</ui:remove>
    <f:viewParam name="key" value="#{uploadBean.key}"/>
    <f:viewParam name="extErrMessage" value="#{uploadBean.extErrMessage}" />
    <f:viewParam name="sizeErrMessage" value="#{uploadBean.sizeErrMessage}" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <h:outputScript library="js" name="upload.js"/>
  <ui:remove>Put the error message in JSON format</ui:remove>
  <script id="errMessage" type="application/json">
    {"ext" : "#{uploadBean.extErrMessage}", "size" : "#{uploadBean.sizeErrMessage}"}


        /** @type {array}Error message placed in the head tag. */
        var message = $.parseJSON($('#errMessage').html());
        /** @type {object}Selected file. */
        var file = inputFile.files[0];
        if (!isCorrectExtension( {
            errMessage += message.ext;
        if (!isCorrectSize(file.size)) {
            if (errMessage != '') {
                errMessage += '<br />';
            errMessage += message.size;

Method 3. Use the same backing bean on the parent-child screen

  1. Implement error message acquisition processing in the common backing bean on the parent and child screens
  2. The rest is the same as after "Put the backing bean error message in JSON format" in "Method 2. Pass the message by parameter when displaying the child screen".

     *Get the error message when an error occurs in the extension.
     * @return error message.
    public String getExtErrMessage() {
        return "The extension is out of scope.";

     *Get the error message when an error occurs in the size.
     * @return error message.
    public String getSizeErrMessage() {
        return "The file size is too large.";

upload.xml(Child screen)

  <ui:remove>Put the error message in JSON format</ui:remove>
  <script id="errMessage" type="application/json">
    {"ext" : "#{uploadBean.extErrMessage}", "size" : "#{uploadBean.sizeErrMessage}"}

Whole implementation

Parent screen

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<html xmlns=""
<ui:composition template="template.xhtml">
<ui:define name="js">
  <h:outputScript library="js" name="upload.js"/>
<ui:define name="content">
  <h3>Try to check the input of the file</h3>
  <h:form id="formId">
    <div id="uploadArea">
      <ui:fragment rendered="#{!uploadBean.upload}">
        <h:button value="upload" onclick="showPopup();"/>
        <h:inputText id="file" style="display:none;">
          <f:ajax event="change" execute="@form" render="@form" listener="#{uploadBean.uploadFile}" />
      <ui:fragment rendered="#{uploadBean.upload}">
        <h:outputText value="#{}" />
        <h:commandButton value="Delete">
          <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" listener="#{uploadBean.deleteFile}" />
      <div><h:message for="uploadArea" errorClass="error" warnClass="warn" infoClass="info" /></div>

upload.xhtml(Child screen)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<html xmlns=""
  <title>File to upload</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <h:outputScript library="js" name="upload.js"/>
  <ui:remove>Put the error message in JSON format</ui:remove>
  <script id="errMessage" type="application/json">
    {"ext" : "#{uploadBean.extErrMessage}", "size" : "#{uploadBean.sizeErrMessage}"}
    <h:inputFile id="inputFile" onchange="checkFile(this)" value="uploadBean.file" />
    <h:button value="OK" onclick="submit('#{uploadBean.key}');" />
    <h:button value="close" onclick="window.close();" />


/**Display a pop-up screen. */
function showPopup() {'upload.jsf', '', 'width=500,height=100');
 *Check uploaded files.
 * @param {Object}File object.
function checkFile(inputFile) {
    //Delete the error message.
    /** @type {String}Error message to display. */
    var errMessage = '';
    if (inputFile.files && inputFile.files[0]) {
        /** @type {array}Error message placed in the head tag. */
        var message = $.parseJSON($('#errMessage').html());
        /** @type {object}Selected file. */
        var file = inputFile.files[0];
        if (!isCorrectExtension( {
            errMessage += message.ext;
        if (!isCorrectSize(file.size)) {
            if (errMessage != '') {
                errMessage += '<br />';
            errMessage += message.size;
    if (errMessage != '') {
        //Add error message.
        $('#inputFile').after('<br /><span class="errMessage" style="color: red;">' + errMessage + '</span>');
        //Delete file.
        inputFile.value = null;

 *Determine if the extension is correct.
 * @param  {string}file name.
 * @return {Boolean} true:correct.
function isCorrectExtension(name) {
    var format = new RegExp('([^\s]+(\\.(jpg|png|gif|pdf))$)', 'i');
    return format.test(name);

 *Determine if the file size is correct.
 * @param  {number}file size(Byte unit).
 * @return {Boolean} true:correct.
function isCorrectSize(size) {
    /** @type {number}Maximum size allowed(1MB). */
    var maxSize = 1024 * 1024;
    return size <= maxSize;

 *Update the elements of the parent screen and close the screen.
 * @param  {string}key id of the parent screen element to update.
function submit(key) {

package brans;


import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.servlet.http.Part;

import lombok.Data;

public class UploadBean implements Serializable {
    /** serialVersionUID. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -355651229394801584L;
    /**File data. */
    private Part file;

     *Determine if the file has been uploaded.
     * @return true:Have been uploaded.
    public boolean isUpload() {
        return this.file != null;

     *Get the error message when an error occurs in the extension.
     * @return error message.
    public String getExtErrMessage() {
        return "The extension is out of scope.";

     *Get the error message when an error occurs in the size.
     * @return error message.
    public String getSizeErrMessage() {
        return "The file size is too large.";

    public String getKey() {
        return "formId:file";

    public void uploadFile() throws IOException {
        if (!isUpload()) {
        if (!isCorrectExtension(this.file.getName())) {
        if (!isCorrectSize(this.file.getSize())) {

     *Delete the uploaded file.
     * @throws IOException error occurred.
    public void deleteFile() throws IOException {

     *Determine if the extension is correct.
     * @param name file name.
     * @return true:correct.
    private boolean isCorrectExtension(String name) {
        if (name != null) {
            return name.matches("([^\\s]+(\\.(?i)(jpg|png|gif|pdf))$)");
        return true;

     *Determine if the file size is correct.
     * @param size file size(Part-Time Job).
     * @return true:correct.
    private boolean isCorrectSize(long size) {
        long maxSize = 1024 * 1024;
        return size <= maxSize;

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