The following site describes the following. Element validation (O (1)) using sets and dictionaries is faster than array retrieval (O (n)). When looking up a in b, b should be sets or dictionaries, not lists or tuples.
Is it true? How different is it from what I thought? I was curious, so I actually tried it.
python2.7 windows7 Intel Core i5 CPU 2.4GHz Memory 4.0 GB
In a list, dictionary, and set type, I made an integer sequence (1 million elements) for each multiple of 1, every multiple of 2, and every multiple of 3, and referenced in in from 1 to 10,000. The reason why we created integer sequences for each multiple of 1, every multiple of 2, and every multiple of 3 is to investigate the effect of the hit rate on the processing speed. The total number of tests is 10 times. See the code below for details.
While the list reference was slow enough to die, the dictionary and set type were super fast. In the list, it was found that the processing speed was clearly slower when the hit rate was low than when the hit rate was high. The unit is seconds, which is the total time when executed 10 times.
On the other hand, the processing speed of the dictionary type and the set type did not decrease so much. (3/5 8:08 Corrected the figure because the range was incorrect)
In a list with a large number of elements Element in list Sentences should be avoided as much as possible. Really slow enough to die.
def lists(q,h):
ls = [i for i in range(0,q*h,h)]
for i in range(q): i in ls
def dicts(q,h):
dc = {i:i for i in range(0,q*h,h)}
for i in range(q): i in dc
def setts(q,h):
st = set(i for i in range(0,q*h,h))
for i in range(q): i in st
def exe(func,num=100):
from timeit import timeit
setup = 'from __main__ import ' + func[:5]
print "%s: %s" % (func, timeit(func, setup, number=num))
if __name__=='__main__':
q = 10**4
funcs = ['lists','dicts','setts']
hits = [1,2,3]
for h in hits:
for f in funcs:
func = '%s(%s, %s)' % (f,q,h)
print func
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